Chapter 12

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Aebree's P.O.V.

Hanging with Austin was really fun today. He pranked Holt for me so I'm guessing they're no longer on the same team. Ha, that'll teach him not to treat me how he did. I was laying in my now fixed bed and watching Netflix on my lap top when I got a text from and unknown number.

Unknown number: How are you now that Holt isn't yours anymore?

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: You'll find out. Just meet me at the racing track in an hour.

Me: It'll be dark by then.

Unknown: I don't care. Do you wanna see him one last time or not?

Me: Fine.

Unknown: Good girl. At least I know you'll listen to me.

Me: Is Holt there?

Unknown: He will be.

Me: Okay..See you then.

Unknown: Bye sweetheart.

I gulped and got up and started getting dressed. I am wearing a pair of white jean shorts just in case I need to get away easily and a fitted black t-shirt. I have my hair up in a high ponytail and my gun in the back waistband of my shorts. I grabbed my phone just in case I needed it and ran down the stairs and out the door. I called Holt and he didn't answer so I got more worried. I ran to the race track not spending time with trying to find the keys for the car. I saw one car when I got there. I ran to the open door and looked inside. It was dark but I walked in anyways. "Hey sweetheart."

"Where are you?"

"Behind you." I turned around and a light came on. There stood a tall, blue eyed, blonde almost white hair, very fit, and overall hot guy around my age maybe a little older. 22 maybe. "Who are you?"

"My name is Ryder."

"Well how do you know me?"

"This little boy. Holt here. He doesn't know I've been keeping an eye on him. Well he does now. Bring him out boys." Two more boys walked out holding and blindfolded Holt with a gag and his hands tied. They took the blindfold off and his eyes widened. "Why did you bring me here for him?"

"Aren't you two a thing now?"


"Awe. What a shame. I thought you were better than that one girl." I flinched but put up another wall to hide my feelings behind. No one can break me if I don't let them in. "But you and Austin are a thing now?"

"Maybe. I honestly don't know."

"You two would be just as cute together." He smirked and I got closer. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to meet you. The girl that my leader talks so highly of."

"Okay. Now what do you want with him?"

"He was being used as bait. But since he ruined my car I would like some payback." I reached for my gun. "What kind of payback?" He pulled out his gun and held it up in front of me. "For everything he has ruined in my life." He pointed it towards my heart and I shot but missed and hit the other guy he brought with him. I shot again and hit the last one. I tried to shoot him next but he dodged and shot at me hitting me in the chest. Holt screamed and kicked the guy in the head before untying the rope on his hands with the help of a knife. He took the gag out of his mouth and ran to me. He landed on his knees and when I looked up I swear I seen tears in his eyes. "Aebree, please hold on." He took my phone out of my back pocket and called 911. He told them an address and picked me up gently carrying me bridal style outside. "H-Holt?"

"Yes Aebree?"

"Was it really a joke?" I coughed up blood tearing up. "It was never a joke. I just didn't want you to get hurt like this." He started crying more and I heard sirens in the background just before I passed out in Holts arms.

Holt's P.O.V

She is dying and it's all my fault. I tried to distance myself and she got hurt because of that. I wasn't there to protect her. The ambulance came and picked us up so we are currently in the hospital room and she wasn't waking up. The doctor walked in. "Hello Mr. Stokes. We have some good news and some bad news. The good news is she is fine and will wake up eventually. The bad news is she is in a coma."

"A coma?"

"Yeah, she will wake up eventually though."

"How long until then?"

"I don't know but it could take up to a year maybe."

"Thank you doctor."

"No problem. Just call if you need anything or she starts to wake up."

"Will do doctor." He walked out and I held her hand gently in mine and started crying again. "Aebree, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. If I wouldn't have listened to that bitch Ashton, I would still have you here with me. We would be pranking each other. We would be hanging out and watching Netflix and who knows. Maybe we could've kissed already. I'm so sorry Aebree. I love you so much." I just admitted that I love her and I didn't even know I did. What is going on in my head right now?

Aebree's P.O.V

I can hear everything people were saying but one voice was unfamiliar. Why is he touching me? I could also hear feet shuffling and two people whispering to the person holding my hand. I recognized the voices of Austin and Avery. "It's been two weeks so far. The doctors said it could be a year before she wakes up." I heard Avery reply to the stranger with, "He also said that she might not remember some things."


"The last few things on her mind. That's usually what people don't remember when they come out of a coma."

"What if she forgets me? Then what will I do?"

"Whatever happens will happen for a reason."

"Let's hope she doesn't remember you. Especially all you put her through." That was Austin. Who is the stranger though? He let go of my hand and excused himself before I heard the door open and close. I felt someone else take his place. Warm tingles shot through my hand and it twitched. I heard Austin say. "Did you see that?" Avery replied, "Yeah her hand moved." I tried opening my eyes and when I got them open, it was so bright I got a headache and closed them. I tried again and blinked a few times before I noticed Avery and Austin watching me. "Avery go get the doctors quick." She ran out and Austin caressed my cheeks. "I thought I was gonna lose you." He was tearing up and he kissed me softly. "I missed you Aebree."

"I missed you too Austin. Who was that person that was in here with you and Avery? I could hear all that was said but I didn't know who it was."

"You don't remember him?"


"Keep it that way okay?"

"Okay, if you say so." At that the doctor came in and checked me out of the hospital. As I was walking out of the doors I seen a stranger walk up close to us. "Aebree, oh my god. You're awake. Are you okay?"

"Get away from me. Who the hell are you?" I thought I saw tears in his eyes when I asked him that and he dropped his hand back to his side and looked down. "I guess that means the theory was right."

"What are you talking about? Just leave me alone. You were the one in my hospital room weren't you? What are you? A stocker or something?" He flinched at my words and Avery pulled the car up and I got up front and Austin rode in the back. "Who was that?" They exchanged a glance in the rearview mirror and said in unison. "No one important." With that we went on home. On our way home I remembered something.....

A/N  sorry for the long wait on the update but I've been in trouble and couldn't be on that much.  Anyways, hope you enjoy! :)

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