Drinks with a Friend

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Pete and Grace had just left when Taylor came in announcing we should go get drinks. I agreed thinking my brain could use a break. The whole car ride here I was racking my brain trying to decide if Pete had winked at me. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Taylor announcing something making me think he had been watching us.

"That hot Mexican dude winked at you.", he says taking a swig of beer and not batting an eye.

"Yea, su- what?!", I say turning around setting down my drink.

"The dude that is obvi gay, but has a girlfriend. He likes you.", he says again in the matter of factually tone I had grown accustomed to.

"Um, he has a girlfriend, he isn't gay.", I say looking down at the table in front of me. I see someone sit next to me in the corner of my eye but don't pay much attention to it.

"He doesn't like me, because he AIN'T GAY.", I say almost like i'm trying to convince myself. "Just leave it alone, okay?", I say getting irritated.

"I don't think it's me who needs to leave it alone, hun.", Taylor says rolling his eyes. I take a sip of my beer . I don't care for alcohol, but I needed something. Anything.



I walked in and sat down next to a guy with short dark hair in a blue v neck and worn out jeans. His back is towards me, so I don't bother saying hello. I order some whiskey on the rocks and I sit fiddling with my phone.

"He doesn't like me, because he AIN'T GAY.", I hear from the guy next to me who sounds familiar. The two guys next to me are arguing about some dude who the one next to me seems to like. I think about everything that had happened this afternoon and contemplate my relationship with Grace. I winked at a dude, A DUDE. Why the hell did I do that? I mean I will admit he was kind of cute, the hair, those cheek bones......I shake my head. Snap out of it! Wait a minute, I turn and glance at the boy next to me. It's Aaron! Holy shit. It's Aaron. Are they talking about me? I'm not gay. Am I? Am I bi? I don't know. All I know is that if he flirted with me, I would return the favor. I make up my mind and tap on his shoulder.
"Aaron?", i say as he turns, his cheeks turn bright red. I guess there is my answer, he was talking about me. I pretend I didn't notice.

"Um, yea?", he says and he smiles. It's adorable, I never thought that about Grace.

"Um, so, you were the one at Dickies. Right?", I say trying to play dumb. I feel my cheeks grow hot.

"Yea, I was. So, you're Grace's guy?, He says. I frown remembering the fact that i'm not single.

"Yea, I guess so.", I shrug my shoulders and we sit there for a minute until his friend Taylor shoves him into me. He falls and I grab his arms, our faces are inches apart. It would be so easy to just lean in and kiss him. I begin to when I hear an all to familiar voice and pull back. I turn to see my girlfriend standing just feet behind me.

"Babe! I think you've had a little to much to drink, sweetie.", she says pulling me away. I look back at Aaron, he's crushed and I can't say i'm not. If Grace hadn't shown up, would I have kissed him? All of the sudden Taylor runs up with my phone in his hands. How did he get that?

"What do YOU want?", Grace says a little more snarky then I've seen her. She quickly collects herself and her voice turns sweet."I mean, did you need something, hun?"

"Not from you.", he says turning to me and handing me my phone. "You forgot this.", as I begin to walk away he looks at my phone, then Aaron, then my phone and winks. Did he? We get out to the car when Grace says she dropped something and runs back in. I stand outside leaning on the hood, crossing my arms. She then comes back up with an evil look in her eye but it soon turns back to their normal sweet look as she rushes me in the car. She drives over to the Dickie house and says she needs to get something from Chad for Chanel. That's odd, she normally wouldn't do anything for Chanel. Oh well, must be some sorority thing.


I'm sitting at my apartment watching Rock of Ages (great movie by the way) after Grace just dropped me off. I'm laying flat on my back with my head on the arm rest thinking about what happened between Aaron and I. I begin to look at my phone when I hear an announcement on the TV.

"Breaking news: Murder on Wallace University campus. Sonya Herfmann was found dead in her bedroom just hours ago."

Sonya Herfmann? Must have been some nerd who nobody knows.

"She is also known as Chanel #2 by her friends. She was found dead at the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority house. The police say their is nothing to fear for residents and to go about as normal. Back to you John.", with that they are telling the weather for the next day.

Chanel #2? Oh my God. Oh my God! Grace just went back there! I have to call her and make sure she is okay.

**NO POV**

With that Pete scrolls through his contacts to find Grace, not noticing that he past his new contact: Aaron <3 that Taylor put in.


A.N. Hey bitches, I mean lovelies! Ha ha. What did you think? Do you hope Pete will realize his feelings for Aaron or stay with the ever so graceful, Grace (see what I did there ;)? The first murder happened, who do you think is the murderer and who do you think will be next? What did Grace need from Chad? Comment your predictions! For those who want to see more of Angelica and the Chanels, stay tuned for next chapter! Love youuuu!!!

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