Taylor's Back, Bitches

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I sat on my bed my legs stretched out and my arms behind my head leaning against my headboard. Sadie (Chanel #3) sat next to me Indian style doing some shit called yoga. It looked weird, but Sadie said it made her "zen". I was watching TV and drinking a soy no foam latte. Sadie had the same. It was scary how alike we were.

"Ummmm. Ummmm.", says Sadie with her eyes closed.

"Um what?", I ask jokingly.

"I am in a state of self tranquility.", she says not opening her eyes.

"Self tranqa what?", I ask poking her shoulder.

"Gay bff, stop that.", she says opening her eyes and looking at me.

"Why earmuff girl?", I ask laughing.

"Because I said so.", she says laying on the bed flat on her back. "I'm bored."

"Want to go the BPB?", I ask.

"Oh, the new club? Sure. Do you need to change?"

"Yea, it's a club. Do you? Do you need to go back to Kappa?", I asked getting up to go change.

"No, I keep a change of club clothes in my car.", she says grabbing her keys.

"Damn girl. Okay, there's a bathroom down the hall if you don't want to change in here.

"Your gay, you can see me in my underwear.", with that she leaves. Sometimes it's hard to tell when she's joking or not. She has like 0 emotions. I walk over to my closet, which by the way has grown since Aaron left. I really should call him. I haven't really talked to him since the bar. I pick out a pair of skinny jeans, a baby blue tee with a deep v neck, and some high top shoes. Then I walk over to my night stand and pull out a box. It's a leather case with a silver buckle. It's small enough to fit into my nightstand. I open it and it has all of my gloves in it. I pull out my club pair. They are pastel blue with silver gems on them. They don't look cheap, but they're not expensive enough where I can't where them out. I put those on. I put away my box and walk over to my dresser. I begin combing my hair when Sadie walks in. She's holding a neatly folded stack of clothing. She walks in and closes the door. She then begins to take off her clothing. She puts on a pastel blue (similar to my shirt) cocktail dress the bottom is slightly flared and the top has crystals on it. She then tops it with a white fur coat. Which is apparently the Chanel girl thing.

"Can I trust you to not murder me if I remove my ear muffs?", she asks staring at me.

"Yes, it'd be an honor to see your ears.", I ask halfway joking. She walks over to my dresser and removes them. She was wearing a pair that was pastel pink fur and puts them on the dresser. She pulls her hair into a ponytail and puts on a pair that look almost identical except they match her dress. She then puts on a pair of light blue stilettos that are six inches high.

"Will you be able to dance in those?", I ask eyeing them in the mirror.

"These are like flats to me.", she says as she stands. We are both ready so we link arms and walk out. We get out to the parking lot.

"Want to take separate cars or go in the same one?", I ask.

"Let's take one car. When we are done we can come back and watch a movie.", says Sadie walking over to her car. I follow. A light pink Porsche. It looks fabulous. I walk over and the doors go upwards.

"This car looks amazing.", I say in awe.

"All the Chanels have matching ones.", she responds so matter of factually. As if it is normal for girls to have matching cars. I don't judge, a Porsche is a Porsche. I get in. Sadie prefers silence, so we drove without the radio, but the windows are down. It was around 8 o'clock. We drive down the street and stop at the club. There is a valet, so Sadie gives him the key.

"Wreck my car and I wreck your will to live.", she says to the valet. I should've probably been upset by the fact she said that, but I would be defensive of a car like that too. So, I let it go. Plus, I knew it was just a bluff. We walk in and head over to the bar. We sit on stools and both order cosmopolitans. Sure, I'm twenty but I have a fake ID. Besides it's a college club and they don't card anyway.

"So, you have a lot of expensive things. Where do you get the cash?", says Sadie out of the blue.

"That's an odd question.", I say almost choking on my drink.

"Hun, i'm rich. Money is what I talk about."

"Okay, then. I get checks from my father every month.", I answer.

"You must have had a good childhood to have a father who can send checks monthly.", she says eyeing the bartender.

"Not really. My mom was poor as dust. I never knew my dad. Just his name and his checks. How do you get money?", I say.

"My father. As well, except I knew him.", she says. "What's your dad's name? If he's rich my father probably knows him."

"Something Swenson.", I respond. He never leaves a first name.

"My last name is Swenson. So is my fathers."

"Oh my God.", I respond. My mouth falling open.

"That must mean we are related.", she says not blinking.


A.N. Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you still like it. What do you think about them being related? Are they or is just a name? Leave your predictions below. See you next chapter! Love youuuu!!

Chapter Question: If you could pick any celebrity (or character from any show) to be related to, who would you pick? Mine is Taylor Swift.

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