Bridged Together

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**Before I start, I want you all to know that most of this chapter is the brain child of AaronOsborne3. I had a tad bit of writer's block and he helped A LOT. Thanks Aaron!**

**Aaron POV**Apartment**

I was sitting on the couch watching some Criminal Minds and my phone went off. I looked down to see Angelica's name flash across the screen. It had been an hour since she stormed off. I hadn't heard any news of a frat boy being murdered, so it was only uphill from there. I picked up the phone and tapped the green answer button. 

"Please tell me you didn't kill anyone.", I say immediately. 

"Slow yo role. All I did was bitch slap him and say he has a tiny dick.", she says. She sounds like she has cooled down a bit.

"Yea, not like he will be upset about that.", I answer back.

"I don't give a fuck how he feels."

"Angelica, you didn't need to do that. I know you like him.", I say.

"I did need to do that. Aaron, you ARE gay. You didn't decide to be gay and for someone to treat you like garbage because of who you are is unacceptable in my book.", she says.

"I know. Thank you for defending me. You never let me finish though.", I tell her.

"Finish what?"

"I was trying to tell you who told Chad."

"Who was it? Tell me.", I hesitate.

"Grace. Grace told him when she saw Pete and I almost kiss.", I say.


"Angelica?", I say looking at the phone to see if she hung up.

"I'm here. That bitch is dead."

"Angelica. No. Pretend like this never happened. We can't let her suspect we are after her. Remember the plan.", I say leaning forward on the couch.

"I remember the damn plan. I'm not a patient person.", she says frusterated.

"I know. But, please don't do anything rash.", I say trying to keep her calm. I then get an idea. "Angelica, I need to get off the phone. I have to do something.", I say standing.

"What?", she asks curiously.

"Just something. I'll call you in a bit. Bye."

"Bye.", I then click off and head out the door. I walk down the street to the Dickies house. I know how much Angelica likes Chad. I can't have their relationship fall apart because of me. I finally get to the house and stop in front of the door. I take a deep breath.

"In and out. In and out.", I finally decide to step in.

"Chad! Are you here? It's Aaron!", I yell. I see Chad come around a corner and he looks like his puppy just died.

"Are you hear to yell at me too?", he says coming over.

"No, I'm here to help you.", I say. He gives me a aurprised look. "I know. It shocks me too. Is there a place we can talk?", Chad leads me to what looks to me a small library. He walks over to a table and sits down. I follow. 

"I'm guessing you heard about my fight with Angelica?", he asks. I nod. He puts his head down in his hands.

"Look, I can tell you really like Angelica. She'd be seriously pissed if I told you this, but she really really likes you too.", I say putting my arms on the table and leaning in. 

"I do like her, but I screwed up. I shouldn't have treated you like that. ", he says looking up at me. I can tell he is genuinly sorry.

"I'm fine. Honestly, I think getting kicked out of the Dickie Dollars is the best thing that happened to me.", I say trying to comfort him. Chad smiles.

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