A New Face and A Surprising Event

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I sat at one of the tables watching an episode of American Horror Story on my phone. I was getting weird looks from the librarian.

"This is called a phone. They probably didn't have them in your day. You know, when dinosaurs roamed around?", I say waving my phone at her causing her to look down.

What? Rude to me, i'm rude to you. Anyways, I wonder what Angelica needs to say. It sounded important. What ever, it probably ain't too bad. I left the apartment before Grace got there, I didn't want her to see me. Don't get me wrong, I despise her but I like Pete and I don't want to cause trouble for him. It's about 11:30, so Angelica should be here soon. I look up to see a girl walk through the doors. Shes short, blondish hair. Vaguely familiar. I catch her eye and she walks over.

"Hey. Are you Aaron Conner?", she says pointing at me. She looks so familiar but I can't tell from where.

"Yes and you are?", I say standing.

"It's Sam. Well, I go by Samantha now. Minugh. We were friends back in middle and early high school.", I then remember who she is and give her a hug.

"Sam! Where you been, girl? We lost touch.", I say as we both sit down.

"I've been..busy.", she says smirking.

"You going here now?", I ask.

"Actually, no. You know about those murders?" Murders? Plural, I thought only one person was killed.

"I know about one. That girl from Kappa."

"Well, some maid was killed as well. The Kappa maid actually. I guess they didn't find her important to put her on the news.", she shakes her head.

"Wow. What does that have to do with you?"

"Can I trust you're not a killer?", she says pulling out a pink wallet.

"No, I'm the killer and I plan on killing everyone. ", I joke. She laughs. She slyly slides her wallet over and opens it revealing a badge, she points at it and acts like she's showing me a picture or something.

"I'm undercover as a college student to investigate.", she says putting the wallet back.

"I should've known you would become someone who protects. You always cared about everyone. You're a little young though?", I say curiously.

"I went to the academy as I went to college. I got a head start. I'm the youngest, so they said I would be most qualified.", she smiles obviously proud.

"Bitch, you on a roll.", I joke.

"Thanks. So, hows your life? Are you still friends with that girl...", she stops trying to remember the name.

"Angelica and yes, she actually goes here too.", she smiles.

"That's great! Glad you two got to stay together. You were always inseparable."

"I know, it's awesome. So anyways, my life's good. I met a guy.", I can't help but smirk. I tell her the story of meeting him and everything going on. Her face changes when I say Grace's name.

"Grace? Grace Gardner?", she pulls out a folder from her book bag and flips through it. "That's who i'm investigating." That's when Angelica walked in and Sam quickly put her things away and smiled.

"Hey bo-who this twit?", she says stopping to look at Sam. She stands in front of Angelica.

"This twit's name is Samantha. I'm an old friend of Aaron and you must be Angelica. Nice to meet you.", she holds out her hand to shake it with Angelica. Angelica nods and shakes her hand.

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