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I sat on the couch next to Daniel. I had my feet kicked up next to me and I was leaning into Daniel his arm around me. He was upset for a bit about me going into Aaron's apartment and putting myself in danger, but I cooled him down. It was sweet how much he cared. We had been together three years and yet he still cared every time he found out I had to do something dangerous for the job. I hated scaring him, but I loved my job. He knew that. I saw my phone go off. It must be my police scanner. I grabbed my earbuds to listen in.

Scanner: Fire at Kappa sorority house. Two teens spotted. 

I sat up and grabbed my boots. 

"Everything okay?", Daniel says sitting up and rubbing my back.

"Yes, there is a what looks like a bon fire at Kappa. Says two teens were spotted and I have a funny feeling Aaron is involved.", I respond pulling on my shoes and standing up. I grab my bag.

"It's almost ten. Maybe you should stay home.", he says standing up and walking over to me. 

"Babe, it'll be okay. I won't get involved. I just want to make sure he is okay.", I put my hands on his upper arms.

"Okay, but call me on your way back.", he says and kisses me. I head out. I get in my car and drive down the street. I see a police car or two. As well as a fire engine. Normally a small bon fire wouldn't be made a big deal out of, but since it's Kappa it is. I park on the other side of the street and pull my binoculars out of my bag. I look around and all I see is cops. Then I see what looks to be two teens, one male and one female. The girl has some on point jeans and amazing style. Obviously Angelica. Where Angelica is, her partner in crime follows. It's definitely Aaron. I look down the street and see a car. They must be heading there. I turn off my lights and drive down. They get in and start the car then I pull up next to them. They see its me and wind down their windows. So do I. 

"Mind explaining to me what you're doing out here, late at night and dressed in black?", I ask.

"None of your business, police man.", says Angelica her arm hanging out the window.

"I'm not here as a "police man". I'm here as Aaron's friend. Hopefully yours too.", I smile and Angelica's face softens. Aaron leans over. 

"Okay, okay. Meet us at the cafe and i'll explain it. Deal?", says Aaron. I nod.

"Deal. If you don't show, your phone will not stop ringing all night.", I say and pull off. After I get down the street I turn back on my lights and crank the radio. Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift is playing, so i wind down the windows and blast it. I sing it all the way to the cafe where I get out and walk in. I order a mocha with a pump of peppermint and a orange scone. I then find a table in a corner surrounded by shelves. I like the seclusion. Finally I see Aaron and Angelica walk in and wave them over. Aaron says something to Angelica and she goes over to the counter. He comes over and sits. 

"Spill.", I say almost immediately.

"Mind if I sit first?", he says.

"Yes. Spill.", I say halfway joking and halfway serious. Aaron laughs. Angelica comes over with two coffees and hands one to Aaron. 

"Hey Angelina.", I say jokingly.

"Who you call-what the hell?", she says looking at her cup. They spelled her name wrong. "Bitch, if I were married to Brad Pitt, I wouldn't be ordering coffee at this dump.", she says putting her cup down. I chuckle. This girl is too much.

"So. Why were you at Kappa?", I ask. Aaron and Angelica look at each other. 

"We getting revenge.", says Angelica smiling.

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