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Pete lied on the couch in front of me. I was crouched down and I could see the confusion in Aaron's eyes.

"Pete, you have to press charges. She isn't a sweet angel anymore.", he says pleading. I know he is scared, but you can't force him to press charges. I put my hand on Aaron's shoulder and shake my head no.

"Pete. Did you just say no to pressing charges against Grace Gardner? The one who attacked you?", I say calmly. I repeat the information wondering if he's even lucid.

"I know what i'm saying police officer. I don't want to press charges.", I nod. "I need to take you to the hospital.", I say standing.

"No! I mean, no. Can you just help me now?", he says. I can see tears in the corners of his eyes. I would rather take him, but I don't want to put him under anymore stress.

"Aaron, do you have any bandages? Alcohol? Luckily the wound is small, he shouldn't need stitches.", Aaron nods towards the bathroom. I see Pete looking at Aaron like he needs to say something.

"Angelica, why don't you come help me?", I say looking at her.

"You got two legs and arms. Do it yoself."

"Angelica, I need your help.", I grit through my teeth. She rolls her eyes and follows me. We finally go into the bathroom and I shut the door.

"What the hell was that?", she says.

"That guy was just attacked. By a girl, the girl he thought he was in love with. So he is probably humiliated, ashamed, and feeling betrayed. Right now, Aaron is the only one he trusts. We need to give him that. If he or Aaron decides to let us in, then we listen. Until then we both shut up and don't interrupt them. Understand?"

"No, didn't you see my ears are missing.", I roll my eyes and open the cabinet. Ace bandages. Towels. No rubbing alcohol.

"Take these.", I put the towels and bandages in her arms before she can say anything. I open the door and don't hear anything, so we walk out.

"Angelica. Please go put those down and then remove the bandages on his hand.", I say walking over to the kitchen.

"What you doin?", she says.

"You must not have ears, because I just told you to do something.", I say snapping at her. I'm normally not this rude, but this is important and I ain't got time for questions. I go in and look around. He's a guy, gay, obviously good taste from what I see here, which means he should have some wine, but still a guy. They normally hide the wine and keep beer in the fridge. I bend down and open a cabinet. Boo yah. I grab a bottle and walk over grabbing a bowl on my way out. Angelica has removed the bandages and Aaron is holding Pete's good hand. They are so cute together. I walk over and sit on the table in front of the couch. I put a bowl under his hand.

"Are you sure? A hospital could do it in a less... painful way." He nods. "Open your mouth.", he does so and I put a rolled up towel in for him to bite on. I slowly pour the wine on the wound. It isn't my first choice, but it'll disinfect it.

"Aaron-", I stop when I realize he isn't leaving Pete's side.

"Angelica, please get me a warm damp towel.", she does as I ask. Pete clenches down on the towel and I force myself to continue. When you see the stuff I do, you learn stuff but it never stops making your heart break. Angelica gets back as I finish and I dab his hand cleaning it up. I finally wrap his hand.

"It's done.", Pete lets out a breath of relief as Aaron removes the towel and lays his forehead on his shoulder. "I think you're safe to sit up now.", I say as Aaron and Angelica both help Pete sit up. I take the bloody towels, bandages, and bowl out to the kitchen. That sink is stainless steel, better then the bathroom. I get out there and see something in the sink.

"Aaron, could you please come here?", I say. I see him walk in.

"What is i- oh.", he looks in the sink. There is a bloody knife sitting in the sink, based on the splatter it was thrown in. "She didn't even try to wash it. She just left him here. Alone.", says Aaron turning around. I walk up and put my hand on his back.

"This is evidence. Is Pete gonna need it?", I ask. If Pete doesn't press charges he won't need it, I want to make sure Aaron is okay with it.

"Get the blood off and get it out of here. Get all of this out. Now.", he says walking back over to Pete plastering on a smile. I turn on the water and for a moment all I hear is the water hitting the sink. SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH.....



SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH....I'm washing a knife that I was using to cut the fruit with. Everything fades out when Pete says those words, "We should break up." He's standing behind me talking. Talking...talking...talking. God, I wish everyone could shut up. Help me, please don't hurt me, have mercy. SPLASH...SPLASH...It's all just words. Meaningless. I can feel the anger boiling in my stomach. "You don't deserve this.""You're better then him." "It's probably that Aaron guy. You should take him out." "No, take out Pete." "Aaron." "Pete." "Aaron!" "Pete!" SPLASH SPLASH....

"Shut up! Shut up!", i'm screaming. "Everyone will pay! Everyone will pay!", I finally realize i'm attacking Pete. His hand is bloody. I stop and look at him, then at the knife in my hand. Pete runs for his phone.

"He's gonna call the police." "You'll go to jail." "Never get revenge on Mommy."

I throw the knife in the sink and run over and grab a book and hit him as hard as I can. He falls on the couch. I shake my head and look around, then down at myself. I smooth out my clothing and collect my things and walk out. I hear yelling coming up the hall, so I turn a corner. I look back to see Aaron, Angelica, and some brunette with a badge and gun.

"Aaron lives here." "Aaron replaced you." "Angelica is with him. They are both after you." I turn the corner when I see the three of them are gone and walk out. Right past their door. Right before I step out the front door I turn around.

"That cop can't protect you. Aaron will pay. Angelica will pay. They are after me. Just like the rest.", with that I turn out and walk back home to Kappa.


A.N. Hey sluts! I know this chapter wasn't too exciting, but it needed some detail. Don't worry next chapter will have some action. What is up with Grace? Who do you think will be her next victim? What did Pete tell Aaron? Keep reading to find out! Love youuu!!!

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