Time for Change

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**Hey my dears! This is Sam. So, the following story is written by none other then AaronOsborne3. So, if you like this. Go check him out! Byeee!**


I sat with Sadie on the bed.

She fiddled with her phone, scrolling through her contacts.

"Aha!" She says. "Here he is."

I hear the dial tone and wait for what's next.

I hear a muffled "hello" on the phone.

"Mhm, yea. Daddy? Care to explain why you never told me I have a brother?" Sadie said.

Her father swallowed on the other side. "I don't know what you're talking about. You've known your brother since birth." He said.

She rolled her eyes. "Not that idiot; The cool gay one by the name of Taylor."

Another swallow.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, honey." He said, nervously.

She rolls her eyes again.

"Don't play dumb with me. I'll just go on Incestry.com or something and find out myself." She said.

I snicker.

"Honey, I think you mean Ancestry.com." Our father said.

"....Whatever. Just fess up. You've been caught in a lie." She spat.

He coughed on the other side. "Okay, okay. You're right. I have been lying about your brother."

"Aha!" She said. "I knew it."

"I didn't tell you because I had him due to an affair on your mother and I didn't want her to find out. In order to keep the mistress quiet, I told her I'd send him and her checks for the rest of my life." He said.

I felt my stomach drop. I wasn't wanted. I was a dirty secret.

I grabbed my coat and ran.

"Taylor, wait!" Sadie said in a normal voice because she was unable to speak above a monotone voice.

I didn't stop, but I did hear a concerned "Wait, Taylor was with you?" over the phone.

After that, I was gone.

I watched as Taylor ran away into the distance.

"He doesn't understand," my dad begins. "I tried to reach out to him but his mother wouldn't let me."

With that, I felt what almost felt like happiness, which I am unable to feel.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

I reach for my phone. It's an incoming call from my daddy, Chad.

"Aye, Papi, what's good?" I say, smiling.

"Your ass." He says, seductively.

I laugh. "Tell me something I don't already know."

He laughs too. "I just had an intense argument with Chanel."

My face straightens out. "Uh uh, I know Chanel Hoe-berlin's rich, small ass did not get lip with my boo. I know she didn't. She knows I'd kill her, so I must have heard you wrong."

"Angelica, chill. She just yelled at me." Chad said, calmly.

"Oh hell no. Hands will be issued to her room in about half an hour. We'll see how much she'll be yelling without a set of skinny white girl lips." I say, not joking a bit.

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