Chapter 1 - Don't Look Back

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"Well now it's time to fight our way out of here" Luke told everyone,
"We're outnumbered" Daisy reminded Luke,
"So?" Cam asked,
"So, we're going to die if we fight back" James replied,
"Well, we've got a group who have been through so much and I think they should be scared of us" Cam told them,
"How?" Luke asked,
"Because we're Badass" Cam replied...

Cam had everyone looking at him, they all looked confused as what they just heard sounded like suicide, Luke laughed,
"You're right" Luke told him,
"Is there a way out?" Rebekah asked
"We can get out of the south exit which is behind this building" Daisy replied as she pointed at a building the size of a house,
"What is that building?" Cam asked,
"There communication centre" Daisy replied,
"You seem to know a lot about this place" James told her,
"There's a satellite on top see, that's how I know" Daisy told him,
"Just get your weapons" Cam said to them, they all grabbed their weapons and then Cam smashed open the door only to find there were fifty bikers aiming at the door,
"Put your gun down" one of them said,
"Alright" Cam said, he dropped his revolver,
"Get Hades, we've got of the prisoners" the biker told one of the others,
"If you think he's going to give you orders it's not going to happen, he's dead" Cam told the biker,
"You killed him?" The biker asked, all the bikers pointed their weapons back at Cam,
"Well, some would say yes, but some would say I was a part of it" Cam explained, one of the bikers whispered to the main biker,
"So now you've killed Robert, Jason and Hades and you were trying to escape out of here alive, well that's not going to happen" the biker told him, suddenly a Luke's voice came from the speakers plotted around the camp,
"You left our base in a massacre and now we're going to leave here in the same way" Luke told them all and all of a sudden two people came out of the door behind Cam with heavy armour on and equipped with light machine guns, they sprayed at the bikers with their guns until there was the main biker left,
"Well looks like it's just the satan man now" James said coming out of the door,
"What are we going to do with him?" Luke asked Cam,
"Leave now" Cam ordered his group firmly,
"We've got finish them off" Luke told him,
"And who taught you that?" Cam asked, Luke didn't answer, "you know the answer, you got it from them, the bikers killed all our people so you think it's the right thing to do only because they did it, well I'm telling you it's wrong" he told Luke,
"I agree that we shouldn't kill unless we need to, but they threatened us" Luke told Cam,
"I know that, but we could have found a different way out of it" Cam said,
"I agree with Luke, there is no threat from them now" James said,
"Let's just leave and get as far away from here as possible" Rebekah suggested,
"Yeah you're right, let's leave" Luke said walking up to the last biker and shooting him in the head. Cam ran up to Luke and punched him the head and Luke fell to the ground,
"Great now we've got to carry him" Lizzie told Cam,
"Or we leave him" Cam suggested,
"He's your friend, you can't just say that" James told him,
"Okay fine, we'll get some cars and get the hell out of here" Cam told them, he then walked off,
"I'll go with him" Daisy told them following behind him.

Cam and Daisy walked together,
"You're not just here to try and talk sense into me are you?" Cam asked her,
"No, I think you're right, what's Luke was saying was right but the way he acted was wrong" Daisy replied,
"Exactly, even I agree that there's no threat now, but it could have been sorted in a different way" Cam told her,
"They've got a garage" Daisy said pointing at a building,
"Brilliant" Cam said in delight, they both went to the garage and saw no windows,
"Well there's these bikes here" Daisy suggested looking at several bikes parked outside the garage,
"Let's see if we can find anything inside" Cam told her. Cam knocked on the door but heard nothing me inside, he then opened the door and entered into a lit up room,
"There's lots of gas there" Cam said,
"What if we take the lorry and get us all in it?" Daisy suggested,
"Why didn't we think of that before?" Cam asked while laughing,
"We were too busy arguing" Daisy replied,
"Let's get back to the others and let's bring the gas as well" Cam told her.

They ran back to the others,
"We're taking the lorry" Cam told them,
"Why?" James asked,
"There's only bikes and we can all stick together in the lorry" Cam replied,
"Who's driving?" Daisy asked,
"Charles and I will get in the front" Carlos replied, everyone got in the lorry, James dragged Luke on and before the back door shut on the lorry Rebekah stood and looked at all the bodies. Cam walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder,
"Don't look back" he told her. The door shut and the lorry started leading the group into a long unclear path ahead of them...

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