Chapter 6 - Short Friendship

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That evening Cam and Daisy were allowed a tent to put up in a large grassy area where many other survivors stayed as well,
"This will do, for a night or so" Cam said,
"It's a bit cramped" she told him,
"It's good for one night" Cam told her,
"Do you think we're secure in here?" Daisy asked,
"No but I haven't slept for a long while" Cam replied,
"How long?" She asked sympathetically,
"I slept in a car some months ago now" he told her,
"Make the most of tonight then" Daisy told him,
"I'll try" Cam said.

In the early hours of the Cam sat up to hear a gunshot coming from outside the tent,
"Get your gun" Cam whispered to Daisy, he then ran outside to where the gunshot was heard at the entrance he saw a woman lying on the floor and another man getting of his bike,
"Don't move asshole!" Cam shouted to him as he held his revolver at long distance,
"All I want is the supplies you owe us that's all" the biker said,
"We don't owe you anything" Cam told him,
"Should I know you?" The biker asked,
"You don't want to" Cam replied,
"Wait stop" Ryan said running to Cam,
"We'll give you the supplies" Ryan told the biker,
"Cheers Ryan it's about time someone started treating me right" the biker said,
"Is everything okay down your end?" Ryan asked,
"Not really, we got attack by some scavengers who we captured and now they've gone and killed everyone in our main camp" the biker replied,
"Hades?" Ryan asked,
"Yeah he's fine, although he barely made it out" the biker told him,
"Well that's good to hear" Ryan said shacking, Cam new exactly where the biker had come from and straight away he shot the biker in the chest, he then walked up to him and started kicking him as he fell to the floor,
"I thought I gave you people a good message to never come near me or my group again" Cam told him,
"Cam don't please" Ryan said, but Cam shot the biker in the head with his revolver. Cam turned around and he saw everyone's faces were scared,
"What?" Cam asked,
"Do you have any idea what you have just done?" Ryan asked Cam,
"Well he just shot than women and his group caused us a lot of pain" Cam told him,
"What women?" Ryan asked, Cam then directed with his head showing where the woman was. "Oh no" Ryan said crouching down beside her, Lizzie and Mika came running over, "Mum!" They cried. Cam realised what had just happened and new that she wasn't dead just yet,
"I'm sorry Ryan I really am but you we need to" Cam said but before he could speak anymore Ryan had shot his wife in the head. Cam stood back beside Daisy,
"Holy shit" Cam said, tears were coming down Daisy's face. "Shut those gates!" Cam yelled to the person on guard, he then took Daisy back to the tent, he laid her down on her bed and he then laid down beside her,
"It's okay" he said as he put his arm around her,
"I lost my Mum the same way" she said tearfully,
"You don't have to say" Cam told her,
"No Cam you need to know, Hades killed my Mum back in my camp he swung that weapon of his around into her face" Daisy told him,
"We're you going after him, is that how we found you?" He asked,
"Yes, knowing he's still alive made me want to kill that biker myself" Daisy replied, "we can't stay here, I don't want another fight" Daisy told him,
"Hades killed my best friend, I'm not going to just let him live so he can feed on the lives of these people here" Cam said,
"People are going to die" Daisy said,
"I know but we have to win" Cam told her,
"We will" she said.

The next morning Cam woke up and went to a small water fountain the camp had, he splashed his face with water and then went to where Ryan's wife had died the previous night,
"He's been sat there all night" a women told Cam,
"Has he been through stuff like this before?" Cam asked,
"Probably but the children I very much doubt it" the women replied,
"Where are the kids?" Cam asked,
"They're asleep" the women said, Cam walked over to Ryan and he put his hand on his back,
"Ryan, shouldn't you have some rest now?" Cam asked,
"Cam, we're leaving this place" Ryan replied,
"You don't need to do that, it's safe here" Cam told him,
"Those murderers will be here in a day or so after they realise that they've lost a man" Ryan said,
"You should go, keep Lizzie and Mika safe, I've got some unfinished business to deal with" Cam told him,
"I'll go and pack my things" Ryan said, he then stood up and he walked inside of his own tent, Cam stood and looked at the women lying dead on the floor,
"Need help?" Daisy asked,
"Yeah thanks" Cam replied.

Cam spent a couple of hours digging a hold for Ryan's wife,
"Do you want me to wait" Cam asked as Ryan came over,
"No, she used to hit me you know, I sat next to her all night thinking what I'm going to do with my life now but then I realised the kids and I are better of without her" Ryan replied, Cam then dragged the body into the hole and he started filling the hole back up, once he was finished he turned to Ryan,
"Are you off then?" He asked,
"Yeah, I want to thank you, if you weren't here that man would've have probably killed me and my kids as well" Ryan told him,
"Perhaps this isn't the end, maybe I'll see you again one day" Cam said,
"Maybe, I feel this is the start of something new" Ryan told him,
"Shame I haven't got to know you much more but you're making the right decision for the kids" Cam told Ryan, "Lizzie, this used to be my sisters locket, she always wore it, I want to give it to you knowing that you'll always where it so a part of her stays alive, promise" Cam asked Lizzie,
"I promise" Lizzie replied,
"There's still good people out there Cam, I know it, maybe one day there might be someone who will keep my children safe after I pass on" Ryan told Cam,
"I'm sure there is and if I ver find you or them again I will look after them whether you're alive or not" Cam told him,
"Good luck" Ryan said,
"You too" Cam said and then Ryan and his two kids walked out the gates journeying on to the unknown.


Dead Blood Episode 5 - No Going BackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz