Chapter 10 - Slipping Away

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James, Daisy, Charles and Carlos were trying to find gas for two hours and had no luck. It was still dark,
"If we follow the train track, it might lead to a station of some sort" James suggested,
"We'll be making too much distance between Cam and us" Daisy told him,
"Yeah you're right" James said, Carlos could see a bridge about a hundred metres in front of them,
"There's people under that bridge sleeping" Carlos told them,
"Walk to them slowly without making a noise" James said,
"They could be dangerous" Daisy told him,
"They might not be" James said,
"No, I'm going to actually find some gas, rather than scare some people to death" Daisy said walking off,
"She'll be back, now let's go to them" James told Charles and Carlos, they approached them slowly, "hello" James whispered, the people stood up and pointed their guns,
"We don't want any trouble" James told them,
"Then why are you hear?" a woman asked,
"You guys seem like reasonable people and you don't get many of them around these days" James told them,
"I'm not buying that" the woman said,
"Look if your not looking for other people to form a group with then we'll leave you" James told them,
"We've got a group and trust me if you mess with us you're messing with them and you don't want to do that" the woman said, James could see that there was a man, a baby and two girls behind her,
"Are they yours?" James asked,
"None of them are, the girls have lost their father and the babies farther is with our group who we were forced to split up from" the woman said,
"Why?" Charles asked,
"Our settlement was attacked by a group who we had some history with, not many people made it out, as far as we know we're the only survivors" the woman replied,
"Was their father one of the people you lost in the attack?" Charles asked,
"No, they lost their father about a month back, Mika's the youngest" the woman told them,
"Sorry, what did you say her name was?" James asked,
"Mika" the woman said,
"and the other one?" James asked,
"Lizzie" the girl replied, James stopped and looked at the two girls with a smile on his face,
"I think there's someone who is dying to see you" James said, "come with us and we'll take you back to our friend" James told them all.

Cam thought his life was up, he didn't know how many were outside but he knew they would get in if he didn't fight back, he opened the door and got out his machete, he kicked them back and they fell like dominos, he sliced one of their heads in half, the next one attempted to bite his hand but he dodged out the way and sliced the back of its head as it fell over, Cam cut his hand on his machete when he swung it back away from the walkers head, Cam carried on killing each walker until one was left, this one tripped Cam over and fell on top of him trying to bite his face, Cam sliced his machete into the walkers neck and pushed it forwards until it went through its skull. Cam stood up with blood all over him,
"Cam?" a girl asked as he looked up, he saw Lizzie looking at him,
"Where's your father?" Cam asked,
"He died" Mika told him,
"What, how?" He asked,
"He was bit by a walker" Mika replied,
"What's happened to you two then?" Cam asked,
"Dad found a group who were living in a prison, a flu broke out and wiped out most of the group including Dad after one of the sick turned and bit him" Lizzie explained.
"Excuse me could I have a word with you?" Cam asked looking at the woman and man,
"Do you know these kids?" he asked,
"Yes they're part of our group who we are trying to find now, when their father died he asked me to look after them" the woman replied,
"I can look after them" Cam told them,
"I don't think so, as far as we know we just have to take your word that you know their father" the woman said,
"They know me, I was with them before they went with you, I will keep them safe i promise" Cam told her,
"Why are you so desperate to have them?" she asked,
"I made their father a promise that I would if he died" Cam replied,
"I don't see why not, we're heading down the track and hopefully our group will be at the end, at a place called terminus which is a sanctuary" the woman told him,
"Terminus, no you can't go there, it's not a sanctuary, if your group is there they're either dead or about to die, if you want to get them you'll have to make a plan which doesn't involve going inside" Cam told her,
"What's in there?" she asked,
"You won't believe me if I tell you" Cam replied, he then turned around,
"Lizzie, Mika, you're coming with us" Cam told them,
"What about Carol and Tyreese?" Lizzie asked,
"They're going to a place which is too dangerous for you two" Cam told them,
"Good luck, by the way keep an eye out for Lizzie she's not well" the woman whispered to Cam,
"I will and good luck to you too and I hope you find your group" Cam told her while looking at her suspiciously. Tyreese, Carol and Judith walked off back to the train track to find their group being unaware of what's in store for them.
"Guys, where's Daisy?" Cam asked...

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