Chapter 14 - The Boss

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Cam, Daisy and Lizzie were led back to the centre again and now there were hundreds of men in a circle all with weapons,
"Everyone get on your knees" the man told them, Cam helped Daisy down and he then stood back up, the man stared at Cam and there was sweat poring off Cam, Lizzie looked at Cam hoping that there was some sort of way out but Cam went to his knees. The man then opened up a car boot and out cam James, Carlos and Charles who all went straight on their knees,
"Alright then, it's about time you meet him then" the man said looking at Cam's group who were now on their knees, a tall man came from behind the car and entered the circle,
"Who's the leader?" the tall man asked,
"The man in the middle" the other man replied,
"Hi, I'm guessing you're Cam, I'm Jordan" Jordan said as he knelt down smiling at Cam, "you guys could've picked a better leader, he's pissing his pants" Jordan told them, "hi Daisy I bet you haven't told them that this isn't the first you've been on your knees in front of me, you see guys this girl used to work for me until her family sort of pissed me off so I got Hades to finish her mother" Jordan explained,
"Fuck you" Daisy said,
"You shouldn't fucking piss me off again or it's going to be more than one of you fucking losers dying today" Jordan told her, "So you're the fucked up girl, man I think fucked up is a bit of an understatement, you killed you're own sister, man that is seriously screwed" Jordan said whole laughing, Lizzie stared into his eyes with pain and anger, "The question is which one of you to kill"
"Just stop this!" Cam yelled,
"Woah, you know I would kill you but I've got better plans for you" Jordan told him, "I guess you all want to know what I know about you and how, so Cam and his group at the time were trying to find some power in the city, I mean that is stupid but there you go, his thick of a sister got bit and died, which is when he became leader they all found a nice new camp but split up and the people at the camp were captured and then they get rescued and that's when Cam came up with some crazy ideas to go to Area 51, you then betray Jason who then worked for us and we found you again in a new camp which we attacked and Hades killed your friend, you went after Hades and found his compound which you destroyed but didn't know that we helped Hades recover to go back after you and then you found a new camp which we attack which is where you lost your eye and whole bunch of other things and then once you had finally killed Hades you thought that was it but we so yes on you when you found the girls and went to the prison and here we are now" Jordan explained, "no comments, fine so now one of you is going to die by Hades' weapon, which I have here" Jordan said, "which one of you gets to meet the brain of Joe then, I think it's you, so now you're all going to stand still until I've finished the fucker off and then we'll agree where we'll go from here, see ya later" Jordan said and swung Hades's weapon into the unknown persons head,
"Can you feel Joe yet?" Jordan asked the victim, he swung again and now the person had fallen to the floor and had now met their fate,
"No!" someone cried
"Stop!" another person cried,
"This is more enjoyable than how Hades said it was" Jordan said while laughing, "fuck, it's like a cow pat" he added.

Who Is It?

The end of Dead Blood Episode 5 and Dead Blood Series 1.

Dead Blood will return in September!

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