Chapter 9 - RV

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Two Weeks Later

Cam looked over Rebekah's grave,
"You okay?" Daisy asked,
"She was the only thing left of my sister I had apart from my memory, and now she's gone" Cam told her,
"The people you've lost Cam they're still here" Daisy said,
"How?" he asked,
"They're in your memory, who are they?" Daisy asked him,
"My parents, my sister, a women called Sandra, Jason, Luke, Lizzie and Rebekah" Cam told her,
"They're still here because you're here" Daisy said,
"Who were they to you?" Cam asked her,
"My parents and..." Daisy said but she paused realising what she has and not said,
"You don't have to say" Cam told her,
"Thank you" she said.

Cam was in his tent sharpening his machete, James came in and sat down on a chair,
"Looks like we're staying here for a while then?" James asked Cam,
"For now, the threat has been dealt with and now I feel like we can make it through anything" Cam replied,
"Do you think we find trouble or does trouble find us?" James asked,
"Both" Cam replied,
"This place looks good for us to stay for a while" James said,
"I can't, I need to go to Area 51, it's where we said we will go, I know we've had a huge obstacle in our way but now we don't and I need to go there" Cam told him,
"Can't we stay here for a couple of weeks?" James asked,
"You can, but tomorrow I have to leave even if it's on my own, you never know I might be able to save the world" Cam replied,
"We'll go with you no matter what Cam, if you think it's right idea then expect us all to come with you tomorrow" James told him,
"Are you sure?" Cam asked,
"Of course, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you" James replied, Cam smiled and James walked outside, Cam took the bandage that went around his face covering his eye,
"Shit" Cam said looking at his wound,
"How's it looking?" Daisy asked walking inside the tent,
"The same, I just realised how close I was to getting killed, if you look the bullet shot me at the side of my eye going straight through the side of my head and it then sent bone fragments towards the rest of my eye completing destroying it all" Cam explained,
"Look on the bright side, no one will want to mess with you" Daisy told him.

The next day the group packed up and got ready to leave,
"Before you go we want you to have this RV, to say thank you for killing those men" a woman from the camp told Cam,
"Thank you very much, can I make a suggestion for this place?" Cam asked,
"Go ahead" she replied,
"Get a leader, threats like that will happen if you stay in one place but if you have a leader or some kind of council someone can actually make choices instead of not having a choice" Cam told her,
"Thank you, it's a shame Ryan left because he would have been a great leader for us" the woman said,
"If I ever find him again, we will come back here and make sure everything is ok, I promise" Cam told her. He then walked away and started helping everyone load their gear on to the RV,
"Do you reckon we'll get there this time?" Carlos asked,
"I don't know" Cam replied.
"Is everyone ready?" James asked,
"I think so" Cam said, then the group got on the RV and they left on the journey to Area 51 once again.

The RV had been moving for a couple of hours now and the sky was now dark,
"Where do you think Ryan has gone to?" Daisy asked,
"He never told me, it's been nearly two months since he left" Cam replied,
"Who's Ryan?" James asked,
"Someone who was in that camp before you guys arrived, he had two kids and lost his wife about twelve hours before you came" Cam told him,
"Wow you saw kids, I haven't seen kids since this all broke out" James said,
"Cam we're out of gas!" Charles shouted back to him,
"Okay, pull over" Cam told him. Th RV stopped and Charles came to the back of it with everyone else, everyone listened to Cam,
"It's not safe being on the road like this, we'll have to find some gas before the sun rises, you and I both know that that it's not just the walkers we should be afraid of as well" Cam told them,
"You know standing here just the five of us makes me realise how much we've lost" Carlos said, everyone went silent until Cam said, "I'll stay here and keep watch, you guys look for gas, if you're not here by sun rise I know somethings gone wrong." Everyone but Cam got off and began to find some gas for the RV.

Three hours later the sun began to rise and they had not returned, Cam stood up from the drivers seat as he heard a walker outside the RV, he opened it up and was pushed back by five walkers trying to get in, he quickly got out his revolver and started shooting them. Once they were all dead he saw a dozen more come from the woods, he stood up and tried to turn the key on the RV to try and get it to work, Cam started getting worried and was panicking he sat on the seat and he looked outside...

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