Mid-Book Finale - Chapter 7 - War

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Cam got everyone to gather up in the centre of the camp,
"There's going to be a fight, there will be casualties and if you want to leave your are very much welcome to" Cam told everyone, "none okay thank you, now we need to make this place more secure" Cam said,
"To start with we need to make this place more secure" a voice said coming from the entrance, Cam turned round and he saw Luke and behind him was the whole group holding their guns,
"What's going on Cam?" Luke asked,
"Hades is still alive and apparently we only demolished part of his group" Cam replied,
"We're here, we'll fight" Rebekah told Cam,
"It's going to cost something" James said,
"I know" Cam told him, he turned back to everyone else, "if you don't know how to defend yourself speak now" Cam told them, no one moved and therefore everyone got to work on defending to camp.

"How did you find us?" Cam asked Rebekah as they walked in to his tent,
"A man and his two girls stopped us and said that there was a camp but they're going through a difficult time" Rebekah replied, Cam took another gun out of his pocket,
"A little while back, I took your gun, I know that you have one now but it was yours, it was when you were a little bit upset after Ella's death" Cam explained to her, he handed her the gun and she took it,
"Do you miss her?" Rebekah asked,
"Everyday" Cam replied as tears fell down his face,
"There's people here who care about you Cam, quite frankly I don't think you've realise how Daisy feels about you" Rebekah said with a smile on her face,
"What do you mean?" Cam asked,
"She really likes you" Rebekah told him,
"Do you think so?" He asked,
"It's obvious, everyone knows" she replied. Cam and Rebekah walked out of the tent and they began to get ready for the fight.

The next day Cam had everyone in positions as he could hear cars driving towards the camp,
"This is it, everyone!" Cam shouted, the cars pulled up outside,
"Ryan open the gates, we only want to know where Shaun has gone" a voice said through the gates, the gates opened and Cam was standing behind them , soon right in front of him was Hades, he now had one arm and he still held his weapon in his hand,
"I wasn't expecting to see you here Cam, would've have thought you were miles away by now" Hades said,
"Well you have something of ours that we would like back" Cam told him,
"What the baby, we'll you're in luck because she's here" Hades said, "but first we just need Shaun" Hades added,
"He's not here" Cam told him,
"Well where is he?" Hades asked,
"He's dead, he killed one of ours so we killed him" Cam replied,
"By we I think you mean you, I'm guessing?" Hades asked,
"You could say that" Cam told him, Hades looked to one of his men, the man then brought out the baby, he gave it to Hades and Hades then took out his knife and held it against the baby's neck,
"Don't touch her!" Cam shouted,
"Jack shoot him, he's getting on my fucking nerves now" Hades said, a man brought out a pistol and he pointed it at Cam, he pulled the trigger but quickly Rebekah jumped in the way and took the hit into her stomach,
"No!" Cam cried, he crouched down to Rebekah and he held her in his hands,
"Are you okay?" Rebekah asked,
"Yes I'm fine and so are you, you'll make it through this" Cam said in tears,
"Is there an exit wound?" Daisy asked calmly crouching down besides Cam,
"No" Cam replied checking Rebekah's back,
"Well this isn't going to be easy, leave her with me" Daisy told Cam, and she picked Daisy up in her arms and she moved away from the entrance and inside a tent. Cam stood up and he walked outside of the camp where Hades was,
"You want to kill me then do it, do it!" Cam said smacking his chest,
"Do you know what Cam, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to kill you but instead we're going to kill everyone" Hades told him, Hades then slit the baby's throat with his knife,
"No!" Cam shouted as he backed up and started shooting at Hades,
"Move in!" Hades yelled to his men,
"Once Cam got inside the camp, the gates shut and he fell to the ground,
"No, no, no!" He yelled,
"Cam it's okay" James told him,
"It's fucking not okay, I made a promise to Lizzie that I would keep that baby safe and now she's got a bullet in her brain" Cam told James, suddenly the cars drove in to the gates and Hades' men were inside the camp. The whole camp began to fight back and it soon turned in to an all out war.
"Cam!" Daisy yelled, Cam ran over to her and he entered the tent,
"She wants to speak to you" Daisy told him, Cam walked over to Rebekah,
"Hey" he said tearfully,
"Hey, I want to thank you, for keeping me alive all this time" Rebekah said,
"I didn't do nothing, you survived all on your own" Cam told her,
"Everyone always thinks about what dying feels like but now I don't care, I'm not afraid to die Cam" Rebekah told Cam,
"It's okay Rebekah, you'll be with Joe" Cam said with tears running down his face,
"I bet you Ella will be dead proud of you Cam" Rebekah told him, Cam could no longer speak and he began crying by Rebekah,
"It's okay, I'm not afraid to die, I'm not afraid to" Rebekah said peacefully and she slowly past on with Cam crying by the side of her,
"I love you" Cam whispered,
"I'm sorry" Daisy told him,  he stood up and he got out his revolver he froze for a few seconds and then he aimed at Rebekah's head, he held it still and he pulled the trigger. He took her gun from her belt and he handed it to Daisy,
"I can't" Daisy said,
"It's passed on to you, please use it so it's something to remember her by" Cam begged,
"Of course, if it's what you want" Daisy told him, Cam smiled,
"You know she told me something that I was stupid to realise it" Cam told her,
"What?" She asked, Cam moved closer to Daisy and he kissed her,
"You" he said, she then went extremely red, "come on, we've got a war to fight" Cam told her as he ran outside,
"Thank you" Daisy said to Rebekah's body, she then kissed her on the cheek...


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