Chapter 2 - Pulling Together

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The lorry had been moving for two hours everyone was sat away from each other facing the walls,
"Cam we're going to have to refuel in five minutes" Carlos radioed to Cam from the front,
"Alright I'll get some gas ready" Cam replied. Cam went to the gas canisters which him and Daisy collected from the garage, he picked up two and he looked to his right and saw Rebekah pick up two as well,
"Are you okay with those?" Cam asked,
"Yeah I'm good" Rebekah said and she smiled. Two minutes later the lorry stopped and Cam then lifted up the back door of the lorry and jumped out.

"Two canisters should be okay" Carlos said as Cam came round the corner,
"Rebekah's got two" Cam said as she followed behind him,
"Keep the two you've got in front with us" Charles said to Cam, Cam and Rebekah both past the canisters over and went back inside the lorry.

"Cam can I speak to you?" Lizzie asked as Cam came inside,
"I'm sorry about Hannah, we couldn't find her" Cam replied,
"She wasn't there, I could feel it when we were there" Lizzie told him,
"Lizzie you have my word, when we get somewhere secure, I will come back and look for her" Cam assured her,
"I can't expect you to do that" Lizzie said,
"You don't have to but I will whether I'm with someone or by myself" Cam told her,
"Thank you" she said as she started to cry. Cam sat down and Daisy sat beside him,
"You know I'm coming with you to get that baby when we get where we're heading" Daisy told Cam,
"I'm guessing you're keeping me in your sight?" Cam asked,
"Yep, you and me we're partners now" Daisy replied,
"Good to here that" Cam said as he laughed,
"So we haven't really got to know each other, tell me a bit about yourself?" Daisy asked Cam,
"I grew up in the city in a flat with Luke, when this all kicked off we sort of split up and I found my sister and we survived finding people on the way, it hasn't been easy" Cam replied,
"What happened to her, if you don't mind me asking" Daisy asked again,
"She got bit and I shot her, only Rebekah remembers her she was that's how long ago it was now" Cam replied,
"I'm sorry" Daisy said,
"Tell me about yourself Daisy" Cam said,
"There's not much to know, I've been by myself pretty much all through this, believe it or not you were the first person I met who actually wasn't crazy" Daisy told him,
"Well I wouldn't be here without you" Cam told her,
"Without us you mean, we did it together" Daisy said to him, Cam looked at everyone and saw no one was talking, they were all in separate places in the lorry,
"Everyone listen to me" Cam said standing up, "you all have reasons to be mourning right now I know, but we need to pull ourselves together, everything that's happened, losing Ella, be attacked by Dave, losing our camp which we built, losing Sandra, Jason's betrayal, losing Joe and the satan men. Of course we get to mourn we've been through so much and I'm sorry to say but I don't even think that's half of what we're going to face together but you're still here, that's because we're a team, all of us and what we did earlier had to happen I know that now, they were all bad people and none of them deserved to live. But I want to tell everyone that we will be okay because we're still here and each and everyone of us has Dead Blood on them." Cam told them all,
"what do you mean?" James asked,
"We've all had to kill someone or a walker and that blood is on our hands, but the blood is gone now, everything that happened before you hold on to it with strength and not sorrow, you need to remember exactly what you're capable of and the thing you may face should be scared if they could see what you've done" Cam replied,
"We're all strong but we're even stronger as a group, that's how we've survived and are going to survive, together" Daisy told all of them. Cam looked at her and he nodded, suddenly everyone looked to the front of the lorry as Charles yelled, "HOLD ON!!!"

Dead Blood Episode 5 - No Going BackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora