How to fight loneliness

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Right then when you think you're happy, it hits you, like the little piece of paper that boy in your class trew at you, or the cold, unforgiving wind one night, or the disappointed looks your mother gave you when you didn't do well in you latest exam, or maybe just like an unwelcoming thought in the middle of the night.
You're thinking too much too often. You know that, but you can't stop. You can shut out the world but you can't shut out yourself. You tried.
You're like the moon, in the glorifing light of the sun you are shining, grinning, laughing, but when the night sky is filled with chaotic clouds you are dark and invisible. Everybody just sees the happy, excited You, but nobody cares enough to see behind the happy-go-lucky version to see the sad, thoughtfull, lonely version. You desperately wish for a friend, a person who pulls you out of this misery that is your life, really. But no matter how close they get, they never understand.

So, I'm really nervous about putting this up.It's also quite short, but that's just genuinely how much I wrote and I didn't want to stretch it out. I hope someone likes this collection and stuff. The title comes from the song I added to the chapter.

When Darkness enters my mindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ