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Today I started my work expirience at a local shop and it was nice. I felt almost good the whole day! I was less tired, less stressed, had less headache and less demotivation. It was amazing to actually want to do stuff. I like work already more than school, no stupid people, acutally mattering exercises and less pressure. I really liked that and I hope this will stay great, I want to show everyone that I can do it, that I can work hard and I am not useless or stupid.
Is that what it feels like to do something you like, surrounded by nice people? Because it feels great. When I'm at work I'm happy. It started to become a routine, getting up, preparing, going to work, working, going back home, writing my report, free time, sleep and repeat. It's simple, but I like it.

My thoughts on my (temporarily) new life. Hope you liked it and stuff.

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