Not healthy(?)

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I always thought everyone was just as insecure and scared as me, that everyone gets those thoughts, but I really started to question that. It's not okay if you're scared of not being accepted to such a degree. It's not fine if everytime I get a text from a friend, I'll worry if they hate me. It's not normal if I'm always worrying over the tiniest things and to find it so hard to act like everything's okay if I'm freaking out on the inside. Is it? Also having inner conflicts all the time about what's accepted and who I am. And those thoughts are just a fracture of what's going on. Also, I don't like the way I look, and I think I'm annoying and strange and stupid. I think everyone thinks that way, too. It's scary, I am scaring myself, which in itself is a scary thing. I feel so unimportant sometimes, like I'm easily forgotten about. Just like my birthdays, which except a few people, even my closest friends forget about. I really think a lot about this stuff and writing it down is a way to get it out of my system a bit, to not constantly dwell on it. Also, I really do plan on visiting a therapist some time, I guess it won't hurt?

Early chapter again, hope you like it. Also, this 'book' has almost 100 reads, that's crazy! It's a smallish number compared to other storys, but it's still a lot for me. Thank you all!

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