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I am doubting myself so much. Especially concerning these thoughts I display in the texts. Nobody who knows me personally would believe them. They all think it's a phase and I'm just down or that I make up all of it. They don't believe that I seriously can't sleep properly anymore, that I dont watch videos until I'm exausted because I like it but because I really can't sleep and the darkness gets a lot worse if I lay down in silence. They don't believe my headaches are real or that big a deal. And that makes me doubt myself. Am I just faking it? What even is real anymore? I feel like no one really understands and cares enough to listen to me and I'm to scared to talk anyways, and that feels like shit. I always thought that after you escaped a bad situation everything's fine, but the aftermath can be a bitch, too.

So, new chapter! Hope you like it. Thank you for all the reads and kind words, I am so humbled. :)

When Darkness enters my mindWhere stories live. Discover now