Torn Apart

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The universe is torn apart by the forces of sadness and anger.
At least my universe. I feel like after that door in my head opened, I don't get much done. I only have headaches all the time, which is annoying and not helping me concentrate. I'm angry at the shit that caused all my stress and fear, except me generally being an overthinking, socially challenged person. I'm just adding stuff to this chapter, before it was literally one sentence and I felt bad just uploading that. I'm actually quite proud of this 'book' and my kind of regular upload schedule, I was always so lazy with my shit, I wouldn't write for months at a time and than lose interest in the story or it's topic because of that. Stupid, I know. But I decided that I would change. I changed basially everything about my profile, my name, header, profile pic, description.. I feel better now, more like I really represent myself. Which is something I don't do in real life, too afraid of the negativity I might get.

I uploaded a little earlier than unsual, just being afraid I'll forget it otherwise. I hope you all still like the chapter even though I kind of changed topic midways, but, like I said, I wrote most of the chapter a lot later than the start.

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