Inbetween: Things about me

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I decided to make something different from what I normally do and squish it between chapters. @missxeno suggested a chapter about the things I like and dislike about myself. So here we go!

Things I like:
-I always liked being the creative type, it made me feel special in the best kinda way. It gave me a tool to cope with my life, if I'm sad I just distract myself with creating
-I like that I remember a lot. I can remember loads of events my family and friends have long forgotten about
-I am a very loyal and dedicated person to my friends . I'm such a Hufflepuff :)
-I'm still a kid at heart. I never felt 'too old' to have fun with the things I like, no matter for what age they're suppost to be for
-I don't forget my abillitys,
if I learned something properly once, like playing an instrument, I, even if I didn't do it for years, could still do it fairly well
-I am quite optimistic that I can have a nice life
-I am good with Animals and Kids
-If I want I can work hard
-I'm good at thinking
-I have a big vocabulary
-I'm good at english
-I'm quite empathic and never really had a problem to sympathize with someone
-I can be neat
-I can enjoy a lot of things
-I can laugh fairly easily

Things I don't like
-I don't like how I look:
•I am too fat
•I squint with one eye
•I can't do anything without wearing my glasses
•I have braces and my jaw and teeth are incredibly sensitive, so they hurt like hell
•My skin is unclean and quite weak
•I have a too round face
•my tongue is too big for my mouth so I often stumble over my own words
•I am too tall
•My hair gets greasy way too fast
•I have gigantic feet
•I am unfit and my body keeps me from changing that
-I get headaches all the time
-I can't sleep well
-I worry too much, overanalysing everything and everyone
-I can't control my thoughts
-I am annoying
-I am a procrastinator
-I am forgetful
-I often can't remember important things, just unimportant ones or my past
-I get too enthusiasic if I'm excited
-I am insecure
-I often can't say out loud what's going on in my mind
-I am socially awkward
-I am easily stressed and get nervous quickly
-I'm bad at maths
-I get too loud if I'm chipper
-Sometimes I have a very hard time to concentrate
-I talk too much
-I am bad at handling critisism
-I am too selfish
-I am relatively easy to manipulate
-I find it hard to tell people I like how I really feel

I guess I don't have a very high opinion of myself. I do hope this will change over the years and I know a lot of the things I dislike about me are temporary. It was interesting to do and I hope you enjoy this! These "Inbetween " chapters come whenever anyone has a suggestion for me, but not more than once a day. So if you want me to write about a certain topic or something, feel free to ask!

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