Elephant fish

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Aang's POV

"Common Appa! We need to get there faster! yip yip!" I yelled as Appa went faster. We were soaring through the air now. "We're almost there!" I yelled, looking behind me. Katara was holding onto the saddle so hard her knuckles were white, Sokka was throwing up and Sora was sitting in the middle of the saddle, smiling into the fast wind. I smiled at her before turning back. I saw the Earth Kingdom as we pulled closer and closer. I led Appa further in until we almost crossed it completely. I pulled down harshly landing right near the water. I landed, just like a pro. Behind me I heard a squeal.

"Are we doing what I think we're going?!?!" Sora yelled excitedly, jumping off of Appa. I beamed at her.

"Yep!" She jumped in a circle and I laughed.

"Oh sweet ground! I missed you!" Sokka yelled as he jumped down.

"What are we doing?" Katara asked, coming down too. I looked at Sora and she giggled adorably.

"WERE GOING TO RIDE THE ELEPHANT FISH!" we yelled together. We stripped quickly (DON'T WORRY! Sora has underclothes. There bloomers and a white sports bra.) and ran to the water. 

"Wait!" Katara yelled, running after us with Sokka, Momo and Kita behind. (I didn't forget them! :D)I jumped in the water with Sora.

"GEEZ! ITS FREEZING!" she yelled. I laughed and slashed her with water. She splashed me back and soon we had a full out water battle. She went under water, and I lost sight of her.

"Sora?" I called out. I suddenly felt a hand grab my ankle and pull me under. I swan back up to the surface to see Sora laughing hard. "Not cool! I thought you died!" I said jokingly. She smiled at me.

"Cant get rid of me that easy."

"I wouldn't want to." I said without thinking. She looked at me weird. "I wouldn't have anyone to ride fish with!" I yelled quickly. She giggled before going wide eyed and pointing at the horizon. I followed her finger and saw two huge elephant fish. "Ready?"

"Oh yeah!"

We used our air bending and got there super fast. I got on one and Sora got on the other. We were laughing and riding for hours. Suddenly there was a scream.

"AANG!" is all I heard. I looked to the shore and saw Katara yelling and waving her arms. I looked at Sora and she was smiling and waving so I followed. A few seconds later, Sora screamed. I was thrown off my fish and fell face first into the water. I swan quickly back to the top.

"Sora!" I looked around, but she wasn't there. "SORA!"

A huge serpent came right in front of me and smacked me with its tail. I was sent back a few feet but I jumped up and tried to use my water banding to freeze him but he just broke free. I was about to attack again but I saw a brown floating blob a few feet away from me. "SORA!" I saw over as fast as I could and flipped her over. She was barely breathing. I grabbed onto her, while the serpent shot a full powered past at me. We were sent flying back into a small tide pool, currently dry because the low tide. I dragged Sora and hid us behind some rocks. The serpent shot us over and over but finally it gave up and went back into the water. I sighed with relief and looked down at Sora's body. Her chest rose and fell barely. I had to get her help. I picked her up bridal style and used my air bending to take me back to Appa and the others.

"Aang!" I just jumped onto the shore, and I saw Katara and Sokka running up to us. I ran to them.

"We have to help her." I said as I showed them the motionless Sora. Sokka grabbed her hand and Katara gasped. We ran into the forest nearby, hoping there would be a town or something. Before I could get farther than the tree line, I was knocked out cold. 

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