Wake up

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Sokka's POV

I woke up, my whole body acing. My head hurt the worst. I looked around hopping to find the men that knocked us out and tied us to a tree.


I looked to my left and saw Aang slowly raising his head. I quickly whipped my head around. Sora needed help now, and we were tied to a tree. I didn't see her anywhere. Katara snapped her head up and looked around frantically.

"Where's Sora?" she asked still looking around. Looks like someone finally warmed up to her. I saw a fast blur out of the corner of my eye. I snapped my head over and saw four figures waking towards us, but stayed in the shadows.

"Come out cowards! Tell us where you put the girl!" I yelled at them. They inched forward.

"She's back at the village." a voice said firmly. It sounded a little feminine, but I wasn't one to judge.

"I swear if you did anything to her...."

"She's in safe hands."

"Reveal yourself's men!" It was rude not to see my kidnappers. Four girls in dresses and makeup cam out and stood in front of me. "Where are the men who tied us up?" I asked. The leader, at least I assume she was the leader, looked offended.

"There was no men. We tied you up." she said annoyed. "What? No way." I started to laugh and Katara kicked me.


"Please. We didn't mean to trespass. We were just taking the avatar to the Earth Kingdom for him to learn earth bending." Katara explained.

"Wait, the avatar? He's with you." The girl asked. Katara jerked her head over to where Aang was and they all looked at him slowly. He gave a small smile, but he looked concerned. I bet he was thinking about Sora.

"I'm sorry for tying you up avatar. We will take you to your princess right away." Aang blushed, and the girls set us free. They rush us quickly to the village nearby. Suki -the leader of the girls- takes us to Sora. She was in a little shack, somewhere near the middle of town. A nice old couple was letting her rest in a spare room.

We walked in, after a long conversation with the old guy. Sora was laying motionless on the bed, her torso wrapped up.

"She cracked a rib, but other than that she's fine." the old lady said, before leaving. Katara rushed over and did her magic healing power. Aang rushed over too and grabbed her hand in his.

"Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay." I heard him whisper over and over again. Katara lifted her hand off and looked down at her. Sora's breathing got a lot stronger and she turned her head. We all breathed a sigh of relief. She was okay.

"I'm going to walk around." I said, leaving them to watch her. I walked all around town. It didn't take me that long considering it was a really small town. I saw a little dojo and decided to go there. Inside was all the Kyoshi warriors, doing some dance moves. I introduced myself to them and apologized for being mean. I beg them over and over to teach me their fighting skills and they finally let me. Yes!

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