Chapter Two

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Okay, so maybe I had a little crush on the human.

That's not a crime, right? Nothing could ever possibly happen anyway. He doesn't even know I can move.


I turned to look at Austin sitting next to me on the edge of the box.

"Hi." I sighed.

"Man, you've got it bad." He chuckled. We both looked to the bed. Kellin was in a deep sleep, snoring away the night. The box was empty, all the toys were behind the door, where Austin and I should have been, but sometimes I preferred staying out here at night.

" can head inside, Austin and I will keep watch." I spoke to the sheep. The sheep nodded, scurrying away from his spot and going behind the box where the door was.

"Why don't you to him?"

My eyes widened and I snapped my head to look at him.

"Are you crazy?! I'd get in so much trouble! That's against the rules!"

"How much could it actually hurt, though? Who's he gonna tell? Who's gonna believe him? You can even take him behind the door." Austin wiggled his eyebrows. It was tempting but It was crazy. "You know we get life-size when we're in there."

"Austin, no. It's's too risky. And no human has ever stepped foot into ToyLand. Who knows what could happen to him?"

"Alright. Suit yourself." Austin sighed. "But you're missing out on a great chance."

I frowned and pushed him back. He lost balance and fell into the box. I laughed, putting a hand over my mouth.

"That's not funny!" Austin whined.

"Oh no, it's hilarious!" I cackled.

"Hmm..who's there?"

My eyes widened and I looked up towards Kellin's bed. He was sitting up, rubbing his eyes. It was dark though, so he couldn't see. I stayed completely still. He got up and I held my breath. I couldn't even warn Austin. No ones in the box. What's he gonna think?

Kellin stopped in front of my frozen body. I couldn't see a thing on his face. It was too dark. He yawned before he grabbed me and took us back to his bed. He laid back down and held me close to him. I smiled, he quickly fell asleep again.


I had fallen off the bed, face down last night. I had to stay this way until Kellin woke up and that wasn't until six hours later. Now.

"Mmm...Vic? Where are you?" I could hear Kellin moving.

On the floor. I wanted to answer.

"Oh, there you are! I'm sorry." Kellin laughed. I loved that even now that he was 16, he still acted like a child when he was alone. He talked to himself quite a lot too, not in a weird way, but like, you know. Yea.

"What do ya say we go boyfriend hunting today?" Kellin smirked. "Shit, no ones half as good looking as you. Why the fuck are you a toy?"

I wanted to laugh, I wanted to smile and tell him that he was good looking too.

"If I saw someone like you at school, I think I'd be quick to fuck you. God, Kellin, you're weird." Kellin rambled to himself. Although really, I was listening, he just didn't know that.

Moving on though, what's he mean by fuck? I didn't know that was a verb.

What's fuck? I wanted to ask.

Us toys stay to simple things, we don't do much. Humans have so many things.

"Would you fuck me?"

Um, yes? I thought. Sounds like a good thing the way he put it.

"Who would fuck me? No one knows I'm gay." He laughed, laying back and setting me on his stomach.

Gay? What's gay?

"I wonder what moms making for breakfast." Kellin sighed, scratching his nose.

There he goes again, taking about that thing. Whatever the hell he means. I swear he's obsessed with it, him and his mom talk about it every morning.

"I want to sleep. Nah, I need to eat."

Now that stuff, I know. Although I do neither, I know what those are.

"Well Vic, I'm going downstairs." Kellin smiled.

No, no, no. Don't leave! I wanted to scream. I know I said it sucked when he was in his room but right now he was talking to me and I wanted him to stay. I loved the sound of his voice.

But he got up anyway, and left.

"Is it clear?" I heard a voice ask. I looked at the box where Josh was poking his head out from.

"Yup!" I sighed, frowning. Toys slowly piled out of the box. But then the worst fucking thing happened and the door opened.

Kellin stood there, his eyes widening as I hung off the bed, dropping to the floor. The rest of the toys only stopping after I had.

He had seen us.

He'd seems us all.

Oh my god.

This is bad.

What's gonna happen to us?

Should I say something? Oh god.

"What. The. Fuck." Kellin spoke. "Did you...holy shit."

None of us said anything. We didn't move.

"I'm going crazy, this is crazy." Kellin mumbled, closing the door. He walked towards me on the ground, my arms and legs in weird directions. He picked me up and set me down on the bed. He stared at me with wide eyes.

"Vic?" He looked like a deer in the headlights. Should I speak? "I can't be crazy, I swear you all moved."

Speak, Vic, just speak. It's okay. He won't hurt you.

Who would he even tell? We could tell him to keep quiet about this. No one will believe him anyway. Just like Austin said. And I can finally talk to him normally. I might be able to bring him back to the door. But if the chief were to ever find out, god, we'd be screwed. I'm not even sure what the punishments are. I just know that it's a rule that isn't meant to be broken. 

"God, I'm insane."

And I took a leap of faith.

"N-No, you're not." I whispered, looking up.

A/N: SECOND CHAPTER. Very excited for this cx tell me what you think, get me in a good mood!

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