Chapter 13

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A/N: One chapter left, bros.

Gosh, I was so nervous about today. I just had a feeling something bad would happen.

The nerves were probably just coming from the fact that I would be meeting Kellin's mom today. I had only seen her a handful of times before when he first got me at the store. Since then, I haven't really seen much of her. What if she recognizes me?

She'd never believe us if we told her I was originally the toy cowboy his son used to play with. And there's no way we could prove it because the toys were now banned from even being around me.

This was a nightmare.

I was more scared about telling her that I needed to stay here. Apparently humans are cautious when it came to letting a stranger into your home. Back in ToyLand we share everything with everybody without a problem.

Oh, Vic, what are you gonna do?

"Hey, you'll be fine. She's gonna love you." Kellin smiled.

I nodded, "Everyone loves me." I agreed.

"You're really pretty too." Kellin laughed.

"Thank you." I blushed, my head on his shoulder as we sat on the ground.

"So you agree? You think you're really pretty?" Kellin asked.

"Yes, I most certainly am!" I grinned.

"I wish I had your confidence." Kellin mumbled.

"I'm pretty, but I think you're beautiful." I whispered. He smiled down at me and kissed my head.

"Come on, let's go. She's down stairs, I just told her you came over earlier while she was at work."


And so we headed down stairs. It was still weird, feeling my muscles work in my legs. And I was heavy now, too. I could feel it, before I was this light thing filled with fluffy stuffing. Now there are layers of me and things that could bleed. I still hadn't bled yet, and I don't know, I was a little upset. I wanted to see how it looked.

"Mom!" Kellin yelled. I was snapped out of my thoughts and looked to the kitchen where his mom was. She turned around to look at us and her eyes fell on me.

"Oh, hi, the foods almost ready, just a few more minutes. You're Vic, right?" His mom spoke, coming towards us. I smiled shyly and nodded my head.

"Yea, that's me." I answered. (A/N: that's so raven...) "It's nice to meet you."

"It's great meeting you. Are you Kellin's boyfriend?" She asked with a smile.

"Ugh, mom. Stop." Kellin groaned.

"What? I think I should know." His mom pouted.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend. Vic, let's go sit." Kellin grumbled. He pulled me along and I apologized to his mom.

"She's just curious." I said.

"Yea, well, if she knows you're my boyfriend, she might not let you stay here." Kellin sighed. We sat at one side of the table and then his mom was serving us our food. I had become very fond of eating.

Halfway through the meal, Kellin interrupted the comfortable silence.

"Um...hey, mom?"

"Yea?" His mom looked up.

" like...uh...Vic, um...he got kicked out of his house. He doesn't have anywhere to go and...I was just hoping, maybe-"

"No." His mom spoke. And my heart plummeted. Oh no, I knew it. I knew something would go horribly wrong today, I just kn- "There's no way I'm letting your boyfriend live on the streets. Geez, the nerve of some fucking parents. He can stay here, honestly, what the fuck is wrong with people these days?" His mom scowled.

"I'd never be able to leave you alone like that." She frowned, looking at Kellin. "Vic, are you alright? What happened?"

"Oh, um..." I remembered what Kellin told me to say. "They kicked me out because I came out as gay. They don't like that and they're really religious. I'm doing okay though, I guess."

"Aw sweetie, I'm so sorry. Feel welcome to stay as long as you need." She told me. I nodded.

"Thank you so much." I smiled. Kellin squeezed my hand under the table and smiled at me too.

The rest of the lunch went great, and I couldn't be happier.


Kellin was out with his mom, at the store apparently. I said I'd stay here because I was feeling tired, but really, I just didn't think I was ready to be around anymore people. It was nerve wracking enough to meet Kellin's mom.

Laying in his bed, I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed the silence.

"Vic!" I had a near heart attack at the sounds my name and sat up quick, feeling dizzy.

It was Tony. He was standing by the door.

"Tony? What are you doing here? You're supposed to stay away for a while." I spoke. He smiled and then pulled a blue sock with bears out from behind him.

I grinned and ran over to him.

"Oh my god! My sock!" I squealed. "Thank you so much!" I picked him up in my hands and kissed his shell.

"You're welcome. So how are ya?" Tony asked.

But before I could answer, the door was slammed opened and out stepped, Rick.

I hid Tony behind my back quick and my eyes widened.

"I knew it!" Rick shouted below me. "Vic, release him now!"

"Release who?" (A/N: ReleaseTheBarakat ? Lmao, I love her.)

"Don't play dumb with me! I've had the cabbage patch kids follow Tony! He's been seeing you for weeks!" Rick roared angrily. Tony hopped out of my hand and stepped towards Rick.

"You can't stop me from seeing him! He's my best friend!" Tony yelled.

"Oh? I can't stop you? Okay," I watched in horror as Rick kept a cold stare on Tony and spoke. "Ecce aufer vitae Tony turtur, et mundus eum subiiciat silentio agere capio!"

A blinding white light shined around us and soon engulfed Tony. I couldn't look, my eyes shut on instinct. All I heard was screaming and when the light vanished, Rick was gone, and so was Tony.

Only Tony wasn't physically gone like Rick. No, Tony was here, but he laid on the ground, lifeless.

My heart stopped, I dropped to my knees in front of my best friend and picked him up in my hands.

"Tony?!" I could feel the tears build up, I didn't want to cry. I'm sure he was fine. "Tony, wake up..." My lip quivered. But I knew he wouldn't wake up, because toys couldn't sleep, and he was completely limp in my hand.

I broke out into hysterics, my eyes blurring, my cheeks staining with hot tears.

He was gone because of me. My friend was dead because of me.

A/N: I don't know, how's this? Sorry it's late cx

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