Chapter Four

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"Wait, like, have labels?" I asked, curiously.

"Well...yea, I guess so. I like guys, so I'm gay."

Kellin was currently explaining Gay and sexualities to me. This was weird. All these different terms for stuff that don't need it. In the toy world, we just like who we like, you know? He had also explained genders to me, which just confused me even more because holy shit, I just thought I was a toy. I just thought he was human. But apparently he's a gay male. And something called a twink too, but he honestly lost me there.

"Why are there so many terms? Can't you just be yourself and not have to explain anything?"

" could, I guess." Kellin answered, furrowing his eyebrows. "So like, you don't define yourself as anything?"

I thought about it. I do. "I'm Vic, The Cowboy of the century! Best selling Toy of 2007!" I grinned. "Oh, and I'm cute."

Kellin just looked at me and laughed. I didn't know what was funny but I just smiled and waited for him to stop.

"You're adorable!" He squeaked. I grinned, nodding eagerly. Yes, I am, I'm very appealing to the eyes.

"You're beautiful." I replied. He stopped laughing and his cheeks went pink. I squinted my eyes at the new color.

"That's amazing, how did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" He asked, his cheeks going back to it's regular color. I stared wide eyed in amazement.

"Your cheeks changed color when I said you were beautiful." I spoke, obviously.

That only made his cheeks go red this time.

"It''s called blushing. It's just blood rushing to my cheeks. It means I'm shy, or like, embarrassed or something." Kellin answered. I nodded, fascinated.

"Why are you shy?" I asked.

"I don't know, you just caught me off guard. So like, how does your life work? Like...can you die?" Kellin asked, confused as he looked up in thought. We were laying on his bed, still.

"Die? I mean, only chief can make that happen. You break a rule and depending on the severity of it, he determines wether or not to exile you or execute you. It's done in front of the whole town, too. There's like this invisible border of magic within us that no one but the chief can touch. The chief is chosen by the Toy God, Gabriel and his lover, Castiel. They visit ToyLand once every ten years to chose again. If they show up before the ten years, then something is very wrong, and a major rule has been broken. That's why I'm freaking out about having told you this. If he finds out, I could be stripped of my magic, and inanimate."

"That's horrible. I won't let that happen to you, Vic. I promise." Kellin smiled. I smiled back at him, not letting the nerves get to me.

"I like you." I spoke. He turned his head to look at me.

"You like me?" He asked. "Well I like you too."

"No, like, you make me feel fuzzy. And I don't have a you have one?" I asked, timidly. Praying that he liked me.

"Oh." His cheeks went pink again- he blushed - and he turned away. "You're a toy, Vic. Unless you're human, I don't think we can date." He laughed awkwardly, an apologetic look on his face.

"Oh." I frowned. "It's okay." I got up and tumbled off the bed. I felt very sad suddenly. Kind of like if Sad was another living toy and it just sat on my shoulders.

"Vic?" Kellin called, sitting up in bed and watching me as I scurried away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He sighed.

I kept walking, very upset. I turned behind the box and knocked on the door. One of the toys opened it for me on the other side. I slipped in quick before Kellin tried to follow in. I couldn't imagine how screwed I would be if he walked into ToyLand. What would even happen?

The door closed, and it was soon sealed shut. The toys and I had been lying to everyone in here, that Kellin was away on a trip, which is why we could come in here all day. Normally, we could only be in here at certain times due to whenever Kellin was in his room, but ever since he found out, we've just been hanging out in ToyLand more often than before. It was nice seeing everybody during the day.

This world was home to us. We had a library, movie theaters,  karaoke night in ToySquare, dance studios, study hall, Chief's HQ, even a big playground.

I think my favorite thing was the Sock Camp Out, though. Man, those things are great! I really wish we had matching pairs though, Austin and I haven't been able to find  a match quite yet. We're only supposed to take one sock, when we go out on a free spree.

Free spree is amazing. It's the one day of the month we get to borrow our humans' stuff. We've collected so much over the years. I really like the socks, It's not like they miss them anyway.

I keep a big blue sock all to myself, with teddy bears on it. I borrowed it from Kellin when he was ten.

That sock is better than me, I thought.

"You've done it, Vic. You can never face him again. He doesn't love you." I sighed, frowning to myself.

"You told him?"

I jumped, grabbing the sock. Kellins sock. It was only Jenna, so I put it down when she laughed at me.

"Yea, I told him."

"Vic, you know it can't work, right?" Jenna sighed, genuinely concerned. I nodded grimly. I just wanted some hope. Then I'd find a way. If he loved me too, I'd find a way.

"Yea. I don't want to talk about it now. I'm going to lay here until I feel better, you should go." I laid carefully on the floor, before slipping myself into the sock only to look at the wall in front of me. Jenna left, accepting my desire to be alone. I was left with my thoughts as I listened to the chatter of the town outside of my "house." The humans call it a "doll house", but I'm not a doll, I'm a cowboy. This is my Toyhouse.

I rolled over, letting out an exhausted groan.

I wonder what sleep feels like,

Why do humans sleep?

Why does Kellin sleep?

Why is Kellin so attractive?

Am I not attractive enough?

Why can't I be human?

Can I be human?


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