Chapter Eight

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"Kellin! You're back!" I grinned, standing up on his bed. His eyes went wide and he hurried over to me, snatching me in his hands and putting me behind his back as he sat down.

"Wow, what a clean room. Didn't peg you for a neat freak." Another voice followed. I was confused. I didn't know he was bringing anyone here. I frowned, going limp in his hand, freezing; something I thought I didn't have to do anymore.

"Shut up, Justin." Kellin laughed. This Justin guy then got on top of Kellin, causing him to fall back onto the bed and throw me to the floor. I landed with a hard thud, and it hurt. Not physically, I could feel that, but metaphorically. It hurt my feelings, he threw me so easily and now this Justin guy was touching Kellin. I didn't want anyone to touch Kellin.

"You still play with toys?" Justin laughed, looking at me.

"What? No, that's stupid. That's just some old toy I used to love." Kellin replied.

There it was again. That horrible feeling.

Stop, I wanted to say. Please stop.

"What do you say, we have a little fun?" Justin smirked, he kissed Kellin's neck, his hands going up his shirt. Kellin let it happen, he just sat there and let it happen. The more Justin kissed him, the more Kellin unraveled and I could tell he felt good against him. He was making those same sounds.

I shut my eyes, not wanting to look. When I opened them again, Kellin's shirt was gone and off, along with Justin's. I felt the end of the work was happening right now. I can't explain it, but it hurts so much. I had enough and stood up, running to the door, leaving the human world behind.

I ran into my house, straight to Kellin's sock and I bought it straight into the kitchen, setting it down on the plastic counter. I grabbed one of the plastic knives and stabbed once at the sock out of anger. It flopped over, not having made a dent. I huffed, wishing I had a real knife now. Wishing I was real. So that I could have him.

How could he do this to me? I thought.

I stared blankly at the wall in silence, hoping they hadn't done anything.

I heard my front door open, I didn't move, it was probably Jenna, maybe Tony.

"Vic? Baby?" But it was Kellin's voice.

I was mad though, sad, I hated him right now. So I didn't look when he sat down next to me.

"We didn't do anything." Kellin whispered. I could feel his eyes on me but I couldn't look at him right now. "I don't want him like I want you."

"You want me?" I questioned.


"But you kissed him." I whispered back, my feelings shredding away. "Why did you kiss him?" And I finally turned to look at him.

"Justin's...I've had sort of a crush on him since last year and he finally noticed me around a month or so ago, and I thought that I wanted this, But then you happened. And..." His cheeks went pink. "And you're a fucking doll and that's really just been fucking with my head. I can't be with a doll, a toy, that's insane, it's's not right, but you're making me feel things that I haven't felt with anyone else and I really like that." Kellin explained.

"I love you." I grinned, climbing into his lap and kissed all over his face. He laughed all cute-like until I stopped and he kissed me back. Our lips moving slow.

"I'm gonna try to be patient, okay? But if it turns out there's no way for you to be human, then..."

"I know." I frowned. "Please don't say it.."

"Okay...let's just have fun today, okay? I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about Justin before...I just thought-"

"I don't want to hear his name." I spoke quickly. "Don't talk about him, let's just go see a movie, yeah?"

"A movie? You have theatre's here?" Kellin asked.


"Well, I don't have money, I don't want you to pay..." Kellin mumbled awkwardly, standing up with me.

"Money? What's that?" I asked, confused. He just shot me the same look back.

"I...what do you pay with?" He asked.

"You mean like, give in return?" I asked back. He nodded his head. "We don't need to give anything. That's silly, we just share."


"Yes. Why should you have to give something up of your own just to be able to see or do something?"

"I don't know...humans are greedy." Kellin frowned. "So like...everything's free?"

"Yes sir. Well, you can still give stuff if you want, you don't have to. We have an annual gift day as well, everyone gives someone a home-made present."

"Oh wow, that awesome." Kellin smiled.

"Yea. Now, let's go catch that movie. I think there's a human documentary on today. Our camera men are really good on going unseen." I chuckled. He smiled at me and nodded as I took his hand. "Film directors are so lucky, they get to go out an see the real world."

"I can take you out sometime, if you want."

"Really?" I grinned.

"Yea, it'll be fun." Kellin smiled. "But can we eat first? I'm hungry."

"Uh, what?" I asked, embarrassed that I didn't know what he meant.

"It's like lunch time right now." Kellin laughed.

"Ha, that word again. So like, food? Toys don't 'eat'. But I can wait with you until you're done with your meal." I offered. Kellin nodded, taking my hand in his.

And we went off to the human world, to his house, and for the first time ever, I stepped out of his room.

And let me say, his house was big.

A/N: So I've got a new story up on my page! :D it's called Pool Boys and it's multiple ships, other than just Kellic. Although, Kellic is more the star of the show xD please check it out, I got inspired a bit by American Pie xD

Comment, tell me what you think c:

The Rest of this story is already planned, so I won't be taking any suggestions cx

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