Chapter 14

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A/N: Final chapter :^)

The room had been filled with my crying for over an hour now. I was laying on the floor, on my side, with Tony in my hands.

"I'm so s-sorry..." I whimpered. My chest hurt so much. It was like a hand just reached in there and crushed my heart in between it's fingers. I didn't know what to do or what I could do.

All I knew right now, was that I had been the reason that my best friend was dead. And I knew, that I wanted revenge.

But how? How could I possibly get revenge on Rick? He's chief of ToyLand, dammit! He's respected and protected. I'm exiled from ToyLand, if he, or anyone of his council were to see me, I'd end up like Tony in a heartbeat.

But maybe I could get Kellin to go in there? But what goods that gonna do if I don't even have a clue what the first step is to taking Rick down? First, I need to stop crying.

But that alone proved to be a difficult task. I guess I could just wait for Kellin to come back. He always made me feel better. But I wasn't so sure how I could feel better about this. Witnessing my best friends execution was more than haunting. I felt guilty and ashamed for ever thinking it was a good idea for him to sneak around to see me. All I could do was blame myself right now.

I had never ever felt bad about myself. Ever. And now, I caught myself feeling stupid and pathetic. I didn't think this could ever happen, and it was absolutely horrible.

As if on cue, Kellin came into the room. "Vic, we're about to-"

I looked at him through bloodshot eyes.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay?" Kellin frowned. He walked towards me and sat on the ground, pulling me up to him.

"T-Tony's gone..." I whimpered. "Look at him!" I held him up, my lip trembling.

"Oh Vic, I'm so sorry. How'd this happen? I thought toys weren't supposed to-"

"It was Rick! He saw us talking and...and he was so pissed, and he just-just right in front of me- he executed Tony! He killed him! It's all my f-fault!" I cried. Kellin frowned, holding me close to his chest. "We...we need to kill him."

Kellin looked down at me with wide eyes. "The chief? Vic, that's not right. We can't justify this with another murder."

"Why not?! He deserves it! He took away my best friend! It's not fair, Kellin, it's not fair!"

"Baby, I know that. I know it hurts, but we can't do that. You're exiled, they'll kill you too, and I don't want them to take you away from me either. I love you, I just want you to be safe."

"But don't you want me to be happy too?"

"I do-"

"Well I can't if my best friend is dead! We need to make it right, we have to do something!" I said desperately. Kellin had years in his eyes. He nodded.

"I don't like seeing you hurt like this. But what are we gonna do? What could we possibly do?" Kellin asked, holding my hand. I sniffled and wiped at my eyes.

"We need to get into ToyLand. We need to tell Austin and-and Jenna too, they'll help, I'm sure they could. Jenna's always been so smart, and Austin always has pretty good plans." I explained. Maybe, just possibly, I could get everything to be right again. I could bring Tony back and get rid of Rick. Right now, I'm just really hoping they'll help me.

"Okay..." Kellin nodded. He gave me a small, encouraging smile. "Let's go, then."

"Thank you." I leant forward and gave him a kiss on his lips, enjoying the warmth that they left on me.

We got up, and for the first time in a week, I was inside of ToyLand again.

Kellin shrunk behind me, as well as I did, becoming the right size to blend in and I smiled. I kind of missed this.

"Okay, come here. We'll go see Jenna first, and-oh no." I frowned. Kellin furrowed his eyebrows together, looking confused.

"What happened?" I grabbed his hand and ran.

"Rick...oh god, he saw us, I'm such an idiot!" I groaned. We stepped in for only two seconds, and I already managed to get us caught. I hated myself so much right now.

Kellin and I ran out of ToyLand, my heart racing out if my chest. I could hear Rick yelling after us, a bunch of toys gasping and watching the scene unfold in front of them. This was too much, god, why am I so stupid.

We ran into his room, our bodies enlarging so we were back to our regular size.

"Where's the key?! We need to lock it!" Kellin panicked. I shook my head.

"I don't know! I don't have it!"

And it was too late anyway, as Rick stepped through the door. Kellin stood in front of me quick.

"Leave. You're not welcome here!" I yelled at him, staying behind Kellin.

"I'm not welcome here?! You, you're not welcome in there! He, especially, shouldn't be in there! Do you realize what you've done?! He knows all our secrets now! I can't let it get out! I won't allow it!" Rick yelled back.

"What are you gonna do about it?! You already killed Tony! You murdered my best friend!" I stepped in front of Kellin and crouched down to Rick, right in his face. "You can't do shit!"

"Watch me." He spat, a smirk on his face. He looked past me, to Kellin and started speaking Latin, what he did last time with Tony, but I was faster and his eyes went black, the floor shook, and suddenly, It was like I couldn't move. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move, I couldn't help Kellin. I couldn't even turn to see what was happening.

And then everything stopped, a huge gust of wind from no where, rushed past me and all I could hear was Ricks laugh in my ears as he vanished again.

The room went bright, I couldn't see for a few seconds, and then slowly my vision returned. I felt dizzy, but when I look around, I couldn't see Kellin.

"V-Vic..." I hear. My eyes shoot down to the floor. My heart stopping when I see him.

He had shrunk, his skin no longer looked soft, but plastic now.

He was a toy.

A/N: hey, sorry this is up so late tonight! And I'm not sure how I feel about the chapter, I suck at making things intense lol. Tell me what ya think!
Don't freak out, there will be a sequel! XD so keep the story in your libraries so I can notify you when it's up!
Love ya! I had so much fun writing this story, I hope you had as much fun reading it!

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