Chapter 12

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A/N: Drew that fish on my math test. I'm skilled. Oh, and this might be a long chapter, not sure yet xD but two more chapters after this one!

"Tony!" I grinned. My best friend ran as fast as his little legs would allow him to as he shut the door behind him.

"Vic! Vic! I have bad news!"

"Oh god, what is it? Did you loose some of your stuffing again? Did you tear your side? Are you okay?" I frowned. I helped him into Kellin's bed and sat him on my lap. He looked up at me.

"No, I'm alright. The duct tape is holding up really good, actually. But...I couldn't get your sock...I'm sorry."

"Oh, no it's okay. As long as you're fine, I don't care how long I have to wait." I smiled, relieved.

"Yea, I don't know, maybe I'll see if I can get it tomorrow, okay? It's just that Chief's been real angry lately, nobody's sure why, really. I mean, no ones messed up, we've all been good, in fact, the only trouble that's happened in there is really you breaking the golden rule." Tony sighs. "Everyone's on high alert, trying not to get the Chief anymore angry, so I didn't want to risk going to your old house 'cause it might look bad on my part and he might get even more mad."

"Oh, gosh, okay. Why do you think he's so angry?"

"I don't know. He started acting like that around yesterday, it's weird. Maybe he like, sees competition in ToyLand for who the new Chief might be." Tony shrugged.

Oh, that's right. The toy gods would be arriving soon to pick a new chief. Well, they'd speak to everyone first and see who was capable, then come back around next year to make a final pick.

"Well, when that happens, tell me who ya think is gonna be chief." I smiled. Tony nodded happily.

"I will."

"'s everyone? Austin? Alan? Josh? Jenna? Oliver?"

Tony frowned, looking down.

"Well, Alan's stopped talking to me, as well as Jenna. They don't want to be caught up in this and risk getting caught. They said talking to me is risk enough since I'm talking to you." He spoke solemnly.

"I'm sorry, Tone." I frowned. I felt guilty, this was my fault.

"It's alright. Austin said he might want to come by and see you soon. He's been laying low out of nerves for a while. Oh! And Oliver and Josh are getting a house together!"

"Oh my god, it's about time!" I grinned. "They've been together for so long, I don't know why they didn't do it sooner."

"Yea, I know. So, what's going on? How's human life treating you?"

"Oh, it's real shit sometimes. You get all these horrible feelings that you can't stop and you always have to be eating or sleeping. It's such a drag. But then, most of the time, it's perfect and I get all these wonderful feelings because I'm with Kellin. He makes it all better. He's taking me to the beach today! I'm gonna see the ocean!" I raved.

"Wow! Tell me if it's like what we've seen in the movies!" Tony squeals. I laugh, nodding my head. He moves to a new spot on the bed and I lay down, my head next to him. I can't help but focus my sight at the door though. And I almost jump out of my skin when I see a hand on the door, but before I can look any longer, the door shuts.

I sit up quick, Tony now looking at the door as well. "Someone was watching us."

"Oh no, I bet it was that cabbage patch girl, Lisa! She's been on my case since you left! She thinks I'm seeing you In secret, gosh, what if she just got her evidence?!" Tony cried out, hopelessly.

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