Chapter Three

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"God, I'm insane."

And I took a leap of faith.

"N-No, you're not." I whispered, looking up.

His eyes snapped up to me and I gave him a shy smile. His breathing got heavier until finally his eyes shut and he fell back to the floor. The toys around me gasped, all screaming and freaking out.

Me included.

"Oh my god, I killed him!" I yelled, my eye bugging out of my head. The toys all ran around the room screaming, not knowing what to do.

"We need to burry him!" Oliver yelled.

"Are you crazy?! We could be seen!" Jenna gasped.

"Calm down! Just...calm down." I yelled, silencing their panic. They all gathered around Kellin's body as I walked onto his stomach and sat down on his belly button, crisscross applesauce style.

"Okay, what do humans do when someone dies?" I asked, looking around. Everyone's frowns remained on their faces.

"Can't we just build him up again?" Alan asked.

"It doesn't work like that." I spoke. "I mean, I don't think. Can we even take his body apart?"

This was complicated.

"We can try." Austin shrugged.

"Okay...everyone at one arm, now!" I yelled. Everyone hurried in a line, pulling eachother, the toy at the front gripping hard at Kellin's hand as I kept shouting to encourage them.

We stopped when we figured it wouldn't work.

"I heard, you can hit their stomachs or something." Tony mumbled. We all nodded.

"Okay, Jenna come here, Austin, you too." I spoke. We all stood at different spots on his stomach and on three, we all jumped as hard as we could, his belly bouncing us up again.

"This is kind of fun." Jenna giggled. Oliver came in with his gun and started pounding the gun against Kellin's stomach. Nothing was working. I frowned, wanting to cry.

"Oh god, it's my fault!" I yelled, throwing myself face down on his tummy. Tony came over to comfort me. His fat leg patting my back.

"Oh god, what happened?"

All the toys looked up at the voice. It was Kellin. The toys all erupted in cheers, crawling on Kellin and holding him, grins on their faces.

"You're alive!" I yelled. I jumped onto his face, hugging his cheek. He looked completely shell-shocked.

"God, how hard did I hit my head?" He gasped, looking at me.

"Not that hard, we made sure you were okay. We thought you died. Do humans just fall asleep like that?" I asked, sitting on his nose. My legs over his eyes and they were shut.

"Something like that..." He mumbled. "Alright, I'm gonna sit up."

All the toys walked off of him but I stayed put.

He grabbed me in his hands and sat up, holding me.

"So like...there's a heart in there?" He asked, pointing to my chest.

"You mean, like organs?" I asked. He nodded.

"Nope. Just stuffing. Well in here. I don't know why they made me like that." I mumbled, poking myself. My arms and legs were a soft plastic. My stomach or chest though, I was stuffed, literally.

"Oh." He mumbled. He looked at all of the other toys around him. "You all, too?"

Everyone nodded.

"You can't tell anyone. You need to promise." I whispered.

"I won't. Who would believe me? I still can't believe this."

"Promise." I demanded. He huffed, but smiled down at me.

"I promise." He stared at me for a while and we just sat there looking at eachother. "This is great."

"Really? You think so?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yea. I always wished you were real. So like, where do you all even go? What do you do when I'm gone?"

"We mostly just hang around here." I spoke. "Or we go behind the door."

"Behind the door?" He asked.

"No, not behind the door. Behind the door." I mused. He looked confused.

"Wait here." I spoke. He set me down and I made my way through the toys. I pushed the box away from blocking the door with all my strength. When he saw it, he smiled in recognition.

"Oh yea, I found the key in the attic when I was younger, but I lost the key, never got to open that. What's in there? You have the key?" I asked.

"'s our key. We had to take it from you. That's our home." I smiled.

"Your home?" Kellin asked, interested and smiling at me. I nodded, walking back over to him and he put me on his shoulder.

"Yea. It's kind a portal to a new dimension, or alternate universe. I don't know, it's just ToyLand. Our homeland." I hummed.

"That's amazing. What's it like?" Kellin asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and wonder.

"Well...I can't tell you. I'm already breaking the rules enough as it is letting you see us. We could get in serious trouble with the chief." I mumbled.

"The chief?" Kellin frowned. "Who's that?"

"You know, sort of like a president. Or a king."

"Oh, I see. It's okay."

A part Of me wished I hadn't said anything. I was still incredibly worried that we'd all get in trouble. But the other part if me really was happy that I had said something. He knows now and he's okay with it. He's still shocked, and still in disbelief, but he's excited too. He's happy about t and he isn't going to tell anyone.

At least, I hope not.

I trust him though, I've always trusted him. I love him. And the upside to him knowing about all us toys now is that he can actually talk to us now. We also don't have to sneak around as much AND I can finally reply to him. I can finally sing with him. I've always wanted to sing with him. I want to hear the way our voices sound together.

This is the absolute best day of my life. Well, second best. The first best day had to be when he first bought me at ToysRus. That's how he came into my life. The day after his eighth birthday.

Ever since then, he's been mine and I've been his.

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