Tagged again - Wattpad Trend AU

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(Not a chapter sadly)

I've been tagged again :/ who come up with these things anyway?!

So Here Are The Rules:

1 You have to post all the rules

2 You have to tag 13 people

3 Each person has to say 13 things about themselves

4 You have to answer 13 questions addressed to you and make up 13 questions for the people you tag

5 You can't say "I don't do tags."

6 Tag backs are aloud

7 You have to finish within a week so if you don't you have to do what the creator says
(I'm not mean I'm not gonna make you rob a bank or anything)

8 Just be creative with the title nothing like 'I got tagged blah blah blah.'

9 You have to put this in a book not in the comments

PewDie_Michealis 's Questions

1 Anime or Cartoons?

It's been a while since I've watched them but I'm gonna say both.

2 YouTube or Netflix?

Both actually :D

3 Texting or Calling?

Depends who I'm talking to

4 Reading or Writing?

Both. Hands down. No questions asked

5 Singing or Dancing?

Both but in the privacy of my own room. My singing isn't that good and I dance horribly :/

6 Movies or Video Games?

Both ,':)

7 Junkfood or Food?

Both XD

8 Jinbop or Sky?

It's so hard to choose ;-; I'm staying neutral.

9 Starwars or Star Trek?

The Force Is Strong With This One

10 Earbuds or Headphones?

Earbuds since it's been a while since I've actually owned a pair of headphones.

11 Legend of Zelda or Mario?

I haven't played legend of Zelda since I had a GameBoy that was a while ago and I have haven't play Mario since my step brother's GameCube broke a while ago, too :(

12 Nintendo or Sony?

Nintendo XD

13 Ice Cream Cake or Apple Pie?

Both :D . . . Now I'm hungry


Fun Facts About Me

1 I'm in college
2 I love Pie
3 Oldest of 3 siblings and out of the 6 grandkids
4 I have the original StarWars Trilogy on VHS. Got lucky at a GoodWill
5 Dracula is my favorite novel
6 I wanted to be a Cryptozoologist for the longest time growing up. It's the study of hidden animals like Bigfoot and such. Though I did go through a faze when I was younger and wanted to be an Egyptologist in elementary. Kids were playing on the play ground, I was in the library studying Egypt.
7 I do get mini anxiety attacks in large crowds
8 I'm a little lactose intolerant. I can have milk to an extent and only a certain few. If I have to much then its taste like I'm drinking liquid metal.
9 I do have a Minecraft account :D
10 I'm good at building and replicating one minecraft then PvP
11 I love bread and tortillas :3 a lot like most of the time it's just bye itself with nothing on it
12 I have horrible insomnia
13 I love dreaming when I sleep the so many situations I'm out through its like I'm living a story book :D heck even I'm daydreaming it's awesome :D I normally have music when this happens. So yeah Music is my drug that can calm my ADHD and helps with story ideas


My Questions (just random and you guys can answer in the comments of you want)

1 Jonas Brothers, have you heard of them? (Yes I'm that old)

2 Old or New Disney Channel?

3 Old or New Cartoon Network?

4 Build Battle or Hunger Games?

5 Flight or Fight when scared?

6 How would you describe a what a fandom or ship is to someone who doesn't ship or belong to any fandom?

7 Fave Ship?

8 Least Fave Ship?

9 Pie or Cake?

10 Candy or Fruit?

11 Mithross or Merome?

12 Dream or Reality?

13 Adventure or Spectate?


I'm gonna break the rules so I don't want to tag anyone. You can either answer one or more of my questions and/or tell me if you've seen 'The Boy In The Striped Pajamas'

That's it :D

So see you guys in the next chapter ^^


- DawnADHH

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