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Alex's POV

After about one week of backbreaking work on the ships we finally made our way back home, I was tired as a mug. I missed the castle especially my bed but I can't say I hate the sea entirely. The sea stirs a freedom that isn't released by anything or anyone, it adds to my always energetic side and it sooths my mind when I am troubled.

I made my way into the castle and was greeted by Mark who was surprised at my early arrival. The news of my arrival spread quickly and in no time Gormla was in my arms. She smelt good and I hungrily kissed her releasing all my built up desires and frustration. We broke off as I was hungry and well, food then sex was my policy.

Waves of aroma floated in the air, it smelt heavenly. The full extent of my hunger was now known. I made my way into the kitchen and stopped abruptly at the entrance, pushing the door slightly to peek inside after I heard a soft, fruity laughter that made the nerves on my body tingle in excitement.

Inside, Devin was with the cooks and was sitting on a table with Gilroy, an attendant, too close to him, enthralled with whatever he was saying. I was angry at this closeness; it was intimate and I hated that. Devin belonged to me and only me, he was mine. I quickly force myself into the kitchen making my presence know.

Gilroy quickly jumped back as I awarded him my murderous glare. Everyone looked shocked, stopped what they were doing and bowed everyone but Devin, who just ignored me as if I didn't exist.

"What are you doing here?"- I barked, causing him to buck in surprise.

"Isn't that obvious? I'm hungry" he answered with the exact intensity as I did, infuriating me further.

"Serve me my food WHORE?"-I ordered disgusted. He looked agitated and unsure but begun passing orders. I sat at the table looking at him as he handled himself with such authority and poise, confident in himself. His small frame stood erect and firm adding to the aura of assurance, yet tranquility permeated the room as he prepared my plate. As I was about to take the first bite of the food, he quickly snatched the morsel out of my hand and gobbled it down. I watched as he chewed and then swallowed his small, smooth throat gulping. God it was a turn on! He ended by passing his tongue over his cherry red lips lightly adding do my pleasurable discomfort. I watched him; he had a grin on his face and so did every fucking person in the kitchen.

This unmannerly bitch dared to abuse my table and make a laughing stock of me! I stood up faking a grin and then reached for his throat. The grin was instantly off his face now covered with a mix of confusion, bewilderment and anger. I tighten my grasp as he buckled and fought me, his eyes now glistening with tears, neck all flushed and red, and his face pale and vulnerable. I quickly released before reaching his breaking point.

"Don't mess with me or my food bitch and bow every time I enter a room" - he stood clutching his neck.

If it was another person I would have just laughed but this bitch has to be taught a lesson.

"Never!" he replied defiantly making his way out of the room humiliated yet head held high. I continued with my food which tasted magnificent. My regrets were all overridden with hatred for Devin.

I did not see him for the entire week; I knew he was avoiding me. Gormla on the other hand was always pestering me. I left her with some book work in the office and went to train the officers in our regular practice.

As I approached the field, I saw a tiny framed lad fighting with my Officer in Charge- Jacob; he was doing a pretty good job. My blood boiled when I saw it was Devin.

I picked up a sword from one of my cheering soldiers, made my way into the circle and pushed Jacob aside and started to fight back at Devin. He dodged gracefully as I attacked with much ferocity quickly retaliating with an equal thrust, grinning at me. I waved out of reality studying his smile; he used this to his advantage throwing his sword at me.

The pain was mild but the shock was mind-numbing. Did he just draw blood? Stupid question! Of course the bitch drew blood. I looked around and saw shock visibly wrapped around the face of my soldiers, Devin on the other hand looked angry and scared or concerned.

He dropped his sword and ran to my side.

"Are you ok? I'm so so..sorry! I didn't mean to." he apologized.

"You are one fiery bitch. YOU will be dressing my wounds" I ordered

We made our way from the soldiers towards the castle into my rooms.

Inside he carefully undressed me. Gauzing the wounds on my chest, his small gentle fingers worked perfectly to limit the pain. He used a cloth soaked in hot water to clean and then dabbed an ointment onto the gash that burned like hell, I groaned at my discomfort, to which he placed his feminine fingers in my hair and started to massage my scalp

It was so arousing and soothing that I went into a slumber until he moved away from me. I quickly reached for his arms and pull him into my embrace on the bed. I longed to fell his skin against mine, to hold him tight, to feel his breath on my chest. the room was dark and gloomy as night setted in.

"Lay with me tonight" I ordered, surprised at myself, he looked quizzically at me.

"Yes, BUT, with conditions. One, no sex and two you have to remain dressed. Ok?"


He began undressing I was shocked, he quickly jumped into the bed and I was dumb folded that he actually agreed to something like that!

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