Added Torment-9

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I know I am bitch but Devin’s Dilemma will be over in a couple of chapters.

Enjoy- Catfish


Devin’s POV

I sat there crying for mercy as he spanked my ass raw, crying out to God, crying out to the monster tormenting me, could this be real. I guess the searing pain was not enough to remind me.

 Tears escaped my eyes, hitting the cold floor as his hands impacted my flesh causing my body to convulse.

After what seemed like hours of abuse at the hands of the man that I thought I had some feelings for I was thrown off his lap onto the cold floor, my bruised skin illicit pain so intense I wanted to die.

“I will be back bitch, be ready” he said before slamming the door in.

The room he left me in was dark and damp, I was barely able to see, it had two chairs and a small window.

I curled up in the corner crying all my sorrow out, I knew I was going to die but I had to protect Calum, he was innocent. I was innocent. The pain quickly overtook my senses, I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

I woke up startled, at the hotness on my face, it felt so refreshing.  The pain slowly came back , I groaned as I sat up trying to open my eyes, to see  Arabel with a wash cloth cleaning the wounds on my ass.

 I was embarrassed but I did not care, I have been humiliated so much it didn’t matter anymore.

“Devin are you up?” she asked gently, I refused to answer, tears leaked out as flash backs of the previous day’s events attacked my mind. I felt violated by somebody who I trusted, I felt weak and used, like a petty whore who has been fucked raw for a meager price and left aside.

I manned up and asked Arabel if she was fine and how Osla, her sister was, she knew I was evading the topic but she didn’t push any further.

“I brought you some food Devin”

“Yea I am hungry” I replied, she went out and brought a tray with a small loaf of bread and a glass of water.

I nibbled at the bread while she watched me; I knew that she was going to break down, as the tears flow uncontrollable.

“Hey, why are you crying?” I scooted nearer to her hugging, her my backside sending mind-numbing signals to my brain but I worked hard in suppressing that, Arabel needed me now.

“I am so sorry Devin, I know that you didn’t do anything with Calum, because he was like your brother, it hurts me to know that Alex could hurt someone as nice as you. This morning when I saw you all I could think of was please God let him live, I am sorry” she stopped, sobbing in my arms as I hug her , I tried reassuring her that I am ok, Eventually she eased off.

“You do know that you smell stink Devin?”

“I know! This room is nasty and I have not bathed since God knows when.” I replied defending myself, laughing, trying to sound happy.

She nodded, hesitating “I have to go I will see you later, Alex will kill me.” She hugged me and then proceeded out of the room.

The guard that stood watching closed the door, leaving me in the darkness to think over my life and all that I have done so far.

My stomach twisted as sat in the corner, the bread and water had me seeing green, I had to vomit. I knocked on the door continuously until the guard answered.” I need to go to the bath room, please.” I begged, he looked hesitant as if unsure if he could allow me out of the hell hole.

He looked me up and down, “Make it quick.”

He escorted me; I guess he wanted to minimize any chances of me escaping. I ran to the back trying as much as possible to hold in my undigested food

 I hit into a stone wall, I didn’t remember a wall in the corridor! I fought for my equilibrium.

Searing pain assaulted my face, blood poured into the area and thus the numbness stepped in.

The water works started because I knew who the perpetrator was, with all the fiber in my body I wanted to deny that it was him, that he was not my tormentor but as I looked up through half opened eyes, he was there. His face was painted with mistrust, hatred and passion.

 I knew I had to get away from him, so I did the only thing I could do scramble myself and ran as fast as I could.

Screams and shouts could be heard behind me but I did not care, I had to escape from him, the room was better than his company

The bruises on my skin irritated by excessive activity started to burn, my legs ache, and the tears flow in a steady stream as I tried to find a safe place to protect myself, all feelings of nausea disappeared.

I found myself half naked sobbing in a bed room, I folded myself in a corner praying that he would not find me, I was relieved when I heard the commotion outside had died down, he was gone, for now I am safe I thought.

I knew that if he asked for forgiveness I would without second thoughts forgive him, because that is my nature, not because I loved him or because he is so sexy or manly. Could one love a monster?

He betrayed me, he was supposed to listen to me, believe me, yet he chose to take Gormla’s side.  I sat there looking around the room slowly drifting, tired of this life.

 I woke up screaming my throat out as I was dragged from the room into the corridor by my hair, I was disoriented, my hair roots protested at the insult, pain rushed through my body, “Stop it you fucking mad man” I shouted angrily, the pain must have fueled adrenaline, I surprised myself, standing up shaking, firing a slap unto his face.

Booming laughed rocked the corridors, “Do you think that would have any effect on me you slut?” he held my arms behind my back so that my small frame was pasted onto his front.

 I could feel his breath on my neck, his huge erection poking me in my back. I squirmed and fought to get out of his graphs, he increased the tension on his hold.

“Stop it you are hurting me!” I shouted as he threw me over his shoulder walking as if I was a bag of feathers. I kicked his abdomen, using my nails to scrape his back all in an effort to stop him.

He surprised me by throwing me unto a bed, his eyes were filled with lust and passion, he began unbutton his trousers.



Sex next chapter? Comment!!!

Bye- Catfish


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