When your angels turn to devils

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A few weeks later
You know it's really nice to have kids, your legacy and all, but just have in mind that you are saying goodbye to your good sleep nights.
I have to wake up every night because Jack starts to cry and if Jack cries the Darcy wakes up and cries too. So then you have two crying babies to take care of. The reason why Jack normally wakes up is because he doesn't feel me there. Yeah he's a mommy's boy. Though there are times when he is hungry. Gosh he eats a lot.
Darcy on the other side is more of a calm baby but she has asthma, she also cries when she misses me but she sleeps more easily. She can sleep anywhere. Jack can't he needs to know I'm there. But they both laugh a lot, Jack laughs more but they both giggle for anything. It's really cute.
Something that actually breaks my heart is how they recognise Harry's voice. Like whenever what makes you beautiful plays on the radio they get all happy and excited. I'm really proud of him. He's come so far. Sometimes I wish I could see him again and tell him how proud I am of him.
Anyways right now I'm trying to calm Jack down, surprisingly Darcy haven't woke up. She moves around a little but stays asleep.
"C'mon Jack mommy has to sleep" I tell him in another attempt to calm him down. Suddenly the neighbours start to blast music. OW C'MON!!!! Darcy wakes up.
"No, no, no" I then hear "Gotta be you" playing. They both calm when the chorus plays. I give them their pacifier and they slowly fall asleep. I sigh happily and go to my room. Then throw myself on the bed and
Goodbye world.

Hey guys!
Sorry this is short but next chapter will be awesome! (I hope) sooooo I luv you vote, comment, fan. It really means a lot to know that people like this. :)

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