my firefighter husband chapter 11

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Louis's pov

I got to the hospital and did what I had to do I couldn't believe it for five nurses didn't show up this is ridiculous and it was only a bunch of students here I got on the phone and called one of the head of Pediatrics to let him know what was going on

Dr Anderson hello

Louis dr. Anderson this is Luis when are you are pediatric nurses anyway I'm calling to let you know the 4 or 5 nurses didn't show up for their shift tonight and there was only a bunch of nursing students on I got a call from crystal one of the students and I came in because she didn't know what to do and she had to call me so I'm here now with the nursing students but I'm the only actual registered nurse there are two doctors here that I told everything too and I told him I was going to call you for the two doctors 4 for helping the fourth student nurses but we don't know where the other actual nurses there supposed to be on are

Dr. Anderson are you telling me that there are nurses that supposed to be on there not showing up for their shifts and leaving the student nurses by themselves this is not proper at all this is not right protocol I will be down to see what's going on thank you for calling me and telling me about this Luis because nails during to find out why some of my nurses are being spread so thin

Louis no problem call dr. Anderson cuz I'm telling you this is getting really really tiring I'm after covering for nurses a few times cuz they haven't showed up and I didn't know what to do with them when I was talking to one of the doctors tonight she suggested I should call you or call another one of the doctors always had that she said you guys can figure out what to do about this so that's why I called I didn't know what to do at first now that I know what to do I'm just going to go about helping the student nurses and those two doctors until you get here but this is really crazy

Dr Anderson's of course. Crazy and me all of university supposed to work equal ships and not be burned out and if I am late don't you have more to deal with in some of the nurses I mean you have 3 kids at home you have a husband who is a firefighter and you're taking extra shifts because of these nurses that are not supposed to be sucking off or whatever they're doing it's not right you have too much on your plate as it is and I thank you for helping out tonight cuz this is emergency situation but I'm going to see how I can make things will get easier on you

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