Mr firefighter husband chapter 16

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Louis pov

I Liam what that call was about it was about Leroy boy getting kill in a car crash and stuff and the fact that Leroy sister school closing down so they need to come home and stuff .

Louis so your telling me we will be taking in the girls as soon as get her along with Leroy when they get her and stuff because they are all under age till Leroy is 18

Liam yes till Leroy is old enough to take sisters because right now are under age and stuff so hopefully we can help them out till then and we will because I love those kids and I now you do as well

Louis of course I do and I would because they are like my family as well so we need tell Leroy about all of this and because he needs to know but we should wait till we get home not during his wrestling match about this because I don't think we should make a problem about all of this

Liam I think your right about all of this now and with that we left to do what we need to do and get to the zayn game and Leroy wrestling match and home so we can tell all of this to Leroy and stuff about what is going on it now a good thing at all about what happened to is brother we should wait till we get home to tell him for sure

And with that we all left to get the school and do are shopping I hope all this will go good when we asked what we should do when the time comes because there so much going on in Leroy life now this going to be alot on him I hope it goes well

Meanwhile at zayn and Leroy school

Leroy pov

It was really hard for me in class because I could not seem to focus on my school work but the teachers knew what was going on so they where not pushing me about my mother's be killed in. A. Plan cash it was kind of hard to deal with it a great thing I got a wrestling match after school because it's going to help me to focus and get back on track because I really need to get my anger at someone and they hurt bunny focusing in my matches I should be able to get my frustrations out but there's something bothering me that I don't know what's going on it's like something else happen today but I just wish I could put my finger on it

Zayn baby you okay well make it through the day are Sure you want to stick it out to day or your going to get in over your head because I need to know that you are okay and know one trying to mess with you we do go to a school that for gay and stuff but the fact that some people might try and Tess you about what happened is still there so let me know if you need me for anything baby

Leroy I will and Im going to be fine just a lot on mind right now so I pray and hope thing s are good about my brother and sisters

Later one when class was over and school was out for the day we meet up with Louis and Liam and Niall and Harry because some thing where up but they will tell when where at home later and that best because they do like to cause a since so i hope it not bad we sat down and watch zayn play is game are school was winning which is a very good thing and stuff and Zayn made the winning gold and i was happy because of this which i think is a good idea i love my baby he as always been my rock and I'm happy i have him soon after we where done on the football field and we head back inside the school because i had a wrestling match and i hope i win because this what i live for and i hope it will help me to make it thought all that happen right now in my life because i need a out let and wrestling is that for me and i hope i will win .just then it was my turn and it was time for my match i need to stay ready for this and i hope i will win like i say i take my spot and it starts and i now win can i bring home the wrestling championship before it to late .i make my move as soon as the it starts and i pin him 123 and i done it we bring it home and then i get a hug form HARRY AND NIALL and one for Liam and Louis and a kiss for Zayn but then Liam say when we get home he needs to talk to me and if my mums saw me they would of been pound of that fact that i won i told him thanks but what they need to tell me is not good because Louis said I'm not going to like some of it and with that we left and head home as we where going home Zayn was holding me because they told him so he can be here for me when the time comes and that was good because i think I'm going need him not more because without him i am lost

Later when they get home

Liam Pov

i look at Leroy and told him to have a seat because he was not going to like this but i had to tell him because is big brother got now to how do you tell him that i took a deep berth and said

LIAM - Leroy i had to tell you this but your brother was killed in a car chased and your the only one left to take your sisters because the school there going to need to close so what i'm saying is that you and your sisters will need to stay with us till you are old enough to take them and be on your own your mums asked us when they where alive if we would do that if need be so we said yes because they wanted to make sure you where spit a part and we asked the same thing to them if something happen to us so now until you turn 18 we will be looking after you and your sisters and me and you will be getting your sisters off the train tomorrow and it going hard for you and them but we are here for you

LEROY -what my brother is gone now to i need to step up and be here for my sisters and thank you guys for being here for us ZAYN can you hold me baby

Zayn - come here baby i'm here and when we are bother older i'm going to help with your sisters because that what love is and i'm not going anywhere baby i'm staying with you thought all of this come on lets go and lay down you need it

Leroy -ya thanks for being here for me guys because you are like family to me and my sisters now

Louis -well we think of you as family too and i'm happy for you about that because we watch you grow up and i love seeing you with Zayn because i know he will not get his heart broke because of it and i now you will have someone there for you as well

LIAM - you can count on us a anytime

Leroy - ya i know thanks

and with that we all hug LEROY and he went upstairs with Zayn and i got a feeling they just might end up doing Something tonight but it might just be what Leroy with need and i know that there safe before they when upstairs Niall and Harry hug Leroy and told them they are here for him now and always i just wish that he and his family can get break because they been thought so much as it is

meanwhile up in Zayn room

Zayn Pov

i don't like it when my baby is so sad i kiss him and told i'm here for him and the girls because i love them as if they where my own sisters to because i have help Leroy look after them and stuff because he need to and i would do anything to be here for them and i still am because i want to be with Leroy thought it all he the love of my life and i hope me and him can get married like my dads because they say where just like them in that way because they where friends first now look at them and i know my baby needs me now and i'm not going anywhere because i love him so much and that will not change a thing now and always because he needs me and i will not let him down

Leroy -what you thinking about baby

Zayn - just how much I love you and i'm always going to be here for you when you need me baby and the best feeling you can be having because you need to know i'm here for you

Leroy - ya i know that and i love you baby because without you i would feel lost

Zayn -well i love you and i am always going to be baby lets get some sleep

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