my firefighter husband chapter 27

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Liam POV

I got it last night and next morning to get all the kids up ready for school. I have a day off for a couple of weeks or so because they wanted me to use them and right now I can tell them my husband is beat so I let you sleep in because he has a few days off as well it's not easy having the type of jobs we have and I'm just thinking about everything we talked about last night and we decided if we are going to adopt Meghan

First I went upstairs and got Harry and Niall up for school

Liam boys time to get up for school

Harry where up papa where just getting on are school uniforms

Liam the breakfast is almost ready

Then all the other kids up the school and when I get to get to get Megan up I asked her what would she think about us adopting her

Liam hey Megan how are you feel about if we adopted you

Megan I think that would be really great cause least then I know where I am too and I'm not in the system and I'll feel more comfortable being around here and I'll still have some of my friends and everything here so that would be great cuz I really don't want to have to move and be away from everybody

Liam because we were already talking to a friend of ours that the social worker and she's putting everything into motion are ready and talking to the social worker was handing your case so yeah it's all getting sent for us to adopt you

Megan well I'm going to have two daddies and a big Brothers

Zayn I overheard everything that means if you're going to have her as another kid looks like I'm going to be very protective over my baby sister

Harry trusted he is definitely going to be overprotective because he's overprotective of us somewhere boys wonder how he's going to be when it comes to something messing with you as a little sister and that means we're going to beat your brothers too so that means it looks like we're going to be kicking asses too

Liam can help have to check with the boys knowing that they're going to be that protective over her and everything is great I mean they're already over protective over Leroy's sisters so I can imagine how they're going to be when it comes to their own

Liam all right now all you kids get up and get ready to get down the stairs for breakfast while I go get Louis and then I will figure out how we're going to get you all to school

Zayn well I can drop the ones that go to the elementary school I'm on my way to the school because I got to pass their school to get to mine

Liam good to me or your mother or father can drop off the ones for the Middle School that will save some time do you have a game after school today for UK football team

Zayn yeah it's a really big one because if we win this one we could be going to the semi-finals

Megan please say we can watch his game today because that'd be really cool since he's going to be one of my big brothers I want to be able to be there to cheer on for him

Liam oh trust me he never missed one of his games and we don't miss any of Leroy's his boyfriend's Wrestling matches yep we try to be there for them all and if you get into anything type of sports or whatever activities you do even if his ballet or whatever you want to do will be there for you then

Megan yeah I'd rather do things like sports and ballet no offense but I don't feel like prancing around in a tutu Louis came down to have lunch and everything with us breakfast I mean in and we were having some great big laugh about all of this because I tell you the truth this little girl is really coming into all of our hearts just as I was thinking out loud there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it was the social worker with the papers for us to sign to have her as a child already and we asked them happen to him so quick she said knowing you guys I had a feeling that you wouldn't want to have them her and help her out so I always have papers drawn up ready for you guys to adopt the kids are going to help

I guess we've been doing this so long that our family's been going pretty quick without us knowing sometimes I feel like we're a male version of that family The Fosters on TV LOL that wouldn't have it any other way yep honey be a firefighter may be married to a pediatric nurse but my family keeps growing I mean look at this I have 4 kids now because I just adopted that girl plus if you can't my son's boyfriend and his siblings living in this house that's quite full but I wouldn't trade it any other way anyway trying to get these kids off to school and start another day let's just see how life goes so maybe it's not always easy being a firefighter not always easy having a pediatric nurse as my husband and dealing with things sometimes I'm wondering how you can put up with me being a firefighter and his husband but then again he always tells me I am his firefighter husband anyway let's just see how this family is going to grow and let's just see how these kids will grow shell we cuz there's a lot more to learn

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