my firefighter husband chapter 20

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Leroy's pov

I couldn't believe it everything is still just surreal to me I know this is been almost a week or more since everything happened to my mothers are my brothers passing but I'm glad that I have my boyfriend and his family to support us but I be so scared of me and my sisters were displayed up thank God they didn't do that to us we're all safe and sound and one house where we should be I just hope the next few months everything will be fine till I can turn old enough to be my sisters Guardians I'm just really worried about what's going on because I don't know if they're okay I mean they're both here in the house but I mean how are they doing emotionally they haven't really talked to me about this

Zayn baby you ok you seem kinda out of it there

Leroy yeah I'll be ok and everything I'm just thinking on my sisters and mean I know they're okay physically but how are the emotionally I mean this takes a lot out of you when you find out that you've lost one parent so when you lose two parents and your brother all at once how do you handle it without having to worry about things how do you handle it without going crazy I'm just curious to what's going to happen really cuz I'm truly in love with you and everything I'm glad about your support nothing baby but I just wish my sister is with still have ther brother ther Big Brother other than me down there to mothers still here you know what I mean I'm worried for them

Zayn of course you're going to be weird for them you're the only family I really have left from is going to do something for you to read them and that's why we're here to help you out until you're old enough to watch her them grow I'll buy them it yourself but you know what you'll never have to do it alone because when you're old enough to come there Guardian I'll be old enough to swell shortly after and then later on down the road if anything happens when we do get married I will also be the guardian with you because I think of your sisters of my own sisters

Leroy see that right there is one of the reasons many reasons that I fell in love with you I'm just so scared because I just don't know what to do when its very scary when things like that happen anyway thanks for making love to me or her cuz it was something I really need it then to call my mind and everything so I'm feeling much much better I'm just praying and hoping now that your father's didn't heroes do in the horizontal hula that would have been embarrassing

Zayn baby did you just say what we did when we had sex was called the horizontal hula that's so funny and is a nice funny way of putting it was a good way of saying in front the kids because at least they know that their im not going to learn about sex anytime soon okay anyway why don't we get up and have a shower now I might just be what we need

Leroy baby that feels so good right now thanks the way the water just goes down over my body and then it's in the way that you hold me tight and everything I love you to the moon and back by the way where would I be without your support

Zayn I don't know you think you have to even think about that she'll never be without my support baby never

Just then when we where all clean up we headed down to the kitchen that to get a bite to eat and then we looked and noticed that themes fathers were there and they both looked as a nurse said hope you boys use protection because we can hear you all the way down here and my face turn right red why all the sudden am I getting teased about sleeping with my boyfriend but then again a lot of people don't even know I have a boyfriend holy cow it's hard to figure out what's going on between all of us

Zayn that was very embarrassing coming downstairs and all of a sudden you got that off on the first thing you did was call about an effective we had sex something you should not do when you're looking after your other kids in the house and you don't want to embarrass your teenage son because know kid wants that

Liam your right but its so funny about that we have to be the ones listening to you for a change or so you see you guys listening to us it's kind of strange you know what I'm talking about because not very often we hear our son and his boyfriend going at it or doing the horizontal hula as you so easily put it yeah we can hear every word your boys are saying but there was no way and how we are going to walk in on you in the middle of it what was that was something that you could use besides I think you guys been through enough as it is losing half of your family Leroy you don't need to come down on you about wanting to have a little peace and love from your boyfriend besides we were like that at your age so why we should we be hypocritical

Zayn really good things I don't think we can handle it if you were hypocritical anyway I really thank that we should get off the topic of me and my boyfriend doing the horizontal as he so happily put that

Leroy what can I say I guess I got away with my words

Louis I guess you could soar to say that anyway I just got a call from the hospital I've got to go in even though I normally work the day shift this week sometime this thing to happen on the pediatric ward and Sons on the head nurse of Pediatrics they need me so I don't know how long I'm going to be anyway I'll be home as soon as I can sorry I hate to eat and run boys that's it we are called in your call then

Liam are you can't help it baby is your called and go its the same thing as I got called into the firehouse I got a month off okay but if there's a bad enough emergency many me that's what does God say anything that I'm off of the month

Leroy you know even though you guys are not my real dads I often do worry that when you guys go to work especially you Liam because you're a firefighter and god knows what can happen in those fires and specially now that I lost my mothers and their brother I don't think I give this disease and one of you cuz you're like the is that I never had and I'm glad that I got you guys because basically you are my second family

Liam we know that in the or anything with way you said before over here okay just remember that

Leroy well thank you anyway I'm going to go when the have a shower and everything again even though I have one not too long ago but for some reason I think I sat in something sticky and I need to wash it out again I wonder what it was can my life get any embarrassing for this day is just not going my way

Louis will have this kind of days anyway I'm off to the hospital to see what the hell really is going on over there because there's something going on that I'm not sure about and if I don't look into this god only knows what can happen alright talk to you later

With that Louis left for work

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