my firefighter husband chapter 32

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Liam POV

It's been almost 2 weeks and everything since it happened to me at that fire now we're all getting ready to leave today to go to Hawaii I just hope everything goes good on this vacation because I really think me and my husband and his mom with the kids I I mean we've all been through so much

Leroy lost his brother and his mothers and then he had to take his little sisters and come and live with us and now he her guardian and everything once he finishes High School and get the good grades and good job and College and Zayn both going to get an apartment together
And raisin siblings and I'm so proud of the fact that my son is willing to help him out son and he loves me so much

And then we had to adoptable Megan because she lost her parents and everything you have it's always something on the go but it's good to know that I have this family no matter what my boys and my daughter and Leroy and his kids siblings mean everything to me because no matter what I'll be here for all of them this is just what we need to speak to a family vacation after we all been through so much

I was I was just talking out of my thoughts but my husband

Louis baby are you doing okay

Liam I'm just thinking how we all been through so much and this vacation is going to be what we need I mean after dealing with everything that's been going on lately it's just time to have her family and there's nothing wrong with wanting to have that when the kids deserve to be kids for a while and then your teacher thinks is a good idea they were taking them away for 2 weeks because after everything they've been dealing with lately they just need to be able to be Kid you know and Curley is spring break

Louis my boss at the hospital thinks it's something good for me considering that I've been working my ass off too much that's his words to the quote

Liam yeah and this exact same thing for my bosses they say they never take enough time to actually take time off I do all my shifts and I never really take a sick day or anything like that they told me I need this so I'm going to be burned out

Louis they're right because sometimes you're running on half empty you really need to learn him if you want me to charge and this is exactly what we're going to do just have two weeks and police and Hawaii you me the kids

Liam yeah that's going to be great

Harry hey Dad, you how about you guys ready because the cab is downstairs waiting for us to go to Hawaii can't wait

Liam we're just getting the last ever look at you will be right down kiddo make sure your sister has everything she needs

Harry Niall and Zayn are doing that right now so they should be ready to go now to

With that we all left to go to the airport I was looking forward to this because I just want some time with my family no worry about fires or nothing like that or what happened to us at the last fire I just need a break come back and then work on figuring out what happened but right now these next few weeks is just about the family

The we all got on the plane Megan want to sit next to me because she was frightened of flying

Mega Papa Daddy can I sit next to you guys cuz I'm frightened of flying that's why I never been on a plane before and I'm not sure if it's going to be scary or not

Louis of course you can do you know your big brother Zayn was scared of flying and everything to when he was little I used to think planes that look like the mirror that was so funny

Zayn hey I was 7 the first time we went on a plane what did I know

Megan can you get over your fear if you can do it I guess I can do it too

Zayn yep there you go after a while become nothing but everybody's scared of their first time just stay close to Daddy and Papa

Megan thanks Zaynie I needed that

Zayn no problem baby sister

How to say I love it how he's able to handle his younger siblings sometimes we feel like we have lost if we didn't have him helping us out so much I wonder where he was right now then when I left I noticed he was chasing his sister is trying to get them to come back yep I got a feeling this is going to be a fun trip LOL LOL

Leroy girls get back over here so we can stay with the family before something happens if you end up missing the flight and we don't make it to Hawaii

Leroy sisters okay we're coming we don't want to miss the plane but that was fun running around you almost fell over a couple times Big Brother

I couldn't help but laugh at him he was having fun with her sister is nice to see now it's time for us all to get on the plane look at Hawaii here we come I don't know one thing's for sure when we get there it's nothing but fun with the family no worries know anything sometimes this is what I love of my life being a firefighter is rewarding but having the family when I go home to is the best feeling of all

I couldn't help but laugh at him he was having fun with her sister is nice to see now it's time for us all to get on the plane look at Hawaii here we come I don't know one thing's for sure when we get there it's nothing but fun with the family no ...

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