My firefighters husband chapter 22

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Louis POV

Finally I was able to get off from a day at work took forever to figure out what was going on there still alive too hard to figure out I don't know why I love the nurses are not showing up after I'm feeling kinda beat right now I need to head home after spending almost 48 hours at the hospital working I'm beat the doctors tell me I should go home or do what I can as head of Pediatrics

Louis ok I'm punching out now so I'll see you guys probably when I'm due to come back again Patricia have a good night guys

Patricia yeah you go ahead and go home you need because you're run ragged there's other nurses here now that's supposed to be here too. But I can't believe you are short handed the last 48 hours you better figure it was going on with some of them because this is getting way out of hand well it's a good thing though that you helped out of it but you do have other things to take care of the working here all the time go home get some rest spend some time with your boys

Louis that's exactly what I'm going to do I never thought I had to work 48 hours straight I never had to do that in a long long time leave the last time I did that the boys relate very young anyway I'll see you later when I don't just have to spend time with the boys I also need to spend time with my oldest son's boyfriends younger sisters because I check my sons boyfriend and and his younger sisters in after their parents passed away this is just until my sons boyfriend turns 18 when she should be 18 in about 9 or 10 months time so yeah we do this so they don't have to end up in the system

Patricia well I can see why you guys come for you far and you're such a caring and loving family you and your husband Shirley work hard taking care of everybody I mean your nurse he's a firefighter you guys deal with you can no one does your respect around here and even though you're a gay couple you still get the respect you deserve which is good but you still got the jerks and everybody out there that won't give two f**** about the fact that you're gay I will be disrespectful and everything but least you don't let it get to you you let it roll off and everything I don't know how you do it I need me and my wife yeah everybody knows I'm a LESBIAN give black but how do you do it

Louis you don't give a s*** about what people say about you just believe in your own beliefs mind your own business till trouble helper he can that's all you can do is people are going to think what they want to think no matter what you can't control what everyone else says just follow your heart that's the best thing I say and that's what we do but stand up for what you believe in as well and I'll see you later I just want to get home to my family have a good night

With that I left for home

Meanwhile at the house

Liam POV

I could tell that all the kids were asleep which was good because nice to see that my kids had a smile on their face today and got to do what they want to do but boy I can tell they're beat just then I noticed my husband come home and I can tell that he was beat too I must be had a busy 48 hours working normally he is never work that many hours in a long time but I guess they were pretty short handed

Liam hey baby I can tell you're pretty short handed at work because it's been over 48 hours since you came home using beat come here loves you look like you're ready to collapse

Louis you don't know the half of beyond ready to collapse boy those were the most busy 48 hours I had to do in a long time I mean we were short handed like six or seven nurses I can't believe we were short handed that money god it was so frustrating I mean not knowing how many people are going to help out thank God we had some nursing students coming in step up but that's not right there only learning they still need have proper nurse about them at all time so the nurses that were there work with them into this is a good thing we did but I'm going to get to the f****** bottom of this and so is the doctors in charge of Pediatrics because me and him both think that something's going down I'm so tired right now I don't even know if I could stay awake but then again I really want to do is just cuddle with you and watch TV but right now I'm too tired to even sit her on the sofa

Liam why don't I take you upstairs right now to our bedroom we have a nice relaxing bath together then we crawl into bed and cuddle up and watch TV in bed because he thinks my poor baby here is to be to do anything to how much of anything else to say he will be here from work I can tell so why don't we just go and do that but I suggest to baby i love you

Louis sounds absolutely perfect baby we don't get too many sweet moments like that just the two of us with the kids running around with you having to go to work with me having to go to work there's a lot to handle sometimes the least we can have a bit of time to each other tonight we have to enjoy those precious few minutes we can get I mean you're off for almost a month but a which is nice cuz you need time off because you're going to work yourself into a frenzy and me I had two weeks off it was nice the right now I'm just trying to get in the swing of things as the new head of Pediatrics nurse but sometimes you don't know what's going to happen around the band

Liam by the sounds of that a lot going on at your school and everything at the school when everything around here and at your work pretty busy I mean cuz we had two kids home cuz of the fire and then all the stuff going on with Leroy and his family and then we have to deal with all this other stuff on top of it whatever they tell you how proud I am of you cuz you work hard and I love you forever and there's not a day that goes by that never going to take you for granted because you are my world louis Tomlinson

Louis I love you so damn much thank God I have you as my husband and what I thought we were highschool sweethearts and now her husband and husband before we were even high school sweethearts the word that's friends these children and who would have thought that she got all ever evolve discovery we were gay and soul for each other did you know what I would never trade being with you for the rest of my life and you were so respected around the neighborhood and I must say it's because of who you are and what you do I love you so damn much Liam Payne

Liam good now lets get so sleep because you need it baby

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