my firefighter husband chapter 29

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Liam POV

What is the biggest tire that was happening is happening in a warehouse this is huge the biggest one we had in awhile we were getting all the workers out and everything will all the sudden I fell to my knees because I had too much smoke inhalation

Firefighter number 1 I'm going to get you out of here now Captain hang on

Liam I just know that everything I don't know why I wasn't feeling all this smoke considering I had an all my gear when I got back out and was able to breathe I notice that my gear was tampered with

Liam holy cow I can tell now why I had that problem with the smoke and everything somebody was tampering with my dear we really going to have to find out if it's just my gear or everybody's now that we have the fire under control and everything we have all those people out what are what started this again

Nick Grimshaw you're not going to believe this but I just found out that there was more gear besides yours was tampered with even mine was it looks like there's definitely some foul play going on around here and it's not just happening here it's helping another Warehouse that happen from another situation there was another fire has to have the same problem and they remember about those gang activity is getting bigger

Liam alright I want everybody has exact same problem I just had in there to go and get checked by the EMTs and I think we have it bad enough that we have to put the hospital we're going to go there I'm going to get it cleared because I can't stop coughing for one this is not good and I want to make sure we get our equipment all checked again because I want to find out every piece has been tampered with and I want to write it all down because this is not right and I want to find out who is doing this trying to sabotage all the fire houses there's something going on and I might have to notify Scotland Yard on this as well

Lieutenant Nick Grimshaw we're on it I'll get back to you in a few minutes about this is crazy have whatever is going on you better make sure there's nothing major

Captain Liam Payne you think I want to make sure everything is accounted for and everything bad that happens here why we're doing this year for a fire and I was supposed to be making sure everybody's looking care of and those people tampering with our stuff that's not right better before my husband and let him know I'm okay because he probably heard about all this s*** is going on and knowing him he'll Panic if you don't know what's going on with me it's a good thing I still have two more weeks off to my little vacation time which I'm taking the kids to a long with my husband so that will be good I can use it after this so I'm going to go and give him a call on them know everything's okay but if the EMTs think I need to go to the hospital and get a mask and stuff like the rest of you and stuff and one of the tells us to do we're going to do because I'm not having anything happen to any of you guys on my watch all right now that I've been under control it was giving me back to the firehouse and find out what the EMTs say

Louis POV

I was at work when I got a call Liam from me and telling me what happened to him at his job I couldn't believe it

Liam hey you're not going to believe this but my job today while we were out at the firehouse and everything on a job call we went to put this fire out of the warehouse somebody is tampering with firefighters here not just at my house but I don't have them so there's going to be a full investigation about that because myself and a few others had bad case of smoke inhalation so some of us are on the way to the hospital including me to get that taken care of I'll probably see you when I come there I'll be down in the ER if you get a chance come down

Louis you better be ok when you get here I'll be coming down to see you for sure that I'll come back here doing my rounds and everything but I'm making sure you're alright after finding out what just freaking happened jeez Louise and God we got a couple of weeks off so because we're taking that vacation cuz after this you're going to need it

Louis after I was on the phone and everything I had to figure out what was going on I mean I couldn't believe that the dead people actually going on man tampering with firefighter's gear and other things some things going up and we got a late notice and everything I wonder what's going on and there's rumors about this gang activity and everything going on something doesn't quite fit thankfully we're going on vacation because we could use it after this my best friend that's a female nurse came over and started talking to me again and I told her everything she said you better go down to make sure he's okay because he was one of my best friends to back when we were in high school and if it's not okay she's going to kick his butt that made me feel good anyway I just hope and pray that when he gets here is fine because smoking ventilation is not good

Later on I went down to the ER and there he was getting when he needed I got to see him and everything and that is his husband so I wasn't helping out as a nurse or anything down there I do have that when they need me from time to time but they knew right now I was down there because my husband was a patient

Louis baby are you sure you're 100% okay after what happened to you tonight at the on the job at the warehouse and everything I couldn't believe that people actually tampered with your gear you sure you're okay

Liam I'm definitely okay baby I'm right here with you and everything and I'm fine I just want to get home after your shift is over I'll probably be out of here and then we can go home and just spend some time there were kids I found the older boys and told them everything that happened and they were freaking out and they got the little ones to come down because this is crazy that was the closest call I've ever had on the job and I don't want to have another one let's hope we can figure out who was tampering with the gear and before we go out there now and we have to make sure there's no problems with any of our gear because this is just plain crazy thank God we're going on vacation because you like you said I definitely am going to need it

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