my firefighter husband chapter 25

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Liam POV

As me and the rest of the firefighters responded to this big fire or emergency. I thought to myself how many people in these parts and then I thought about how Leroy would have lost everything I just don't want to have to see people going through things like that I pray and hope that everything will work out and him and his sisters will be ok I do what I can for them because they're like family to us and I know my son definitely loves him to death

Liam how big is everything's going on around here get the perimeter checked in and everything and that because I want to make sure nothing goes to fire spread cars before it goes everywhere

Firefighter number 1 you got it capital make sure everything is ok and we'll make sure nothing happens because if not it's going to spread

Liam you better hurry up and get a lot of those paramedics and everything in here before things get out of hand this is one crazy situation here right now I just pray and hope this fire can be contained before everything goes crazy you don't need that plus hopefully other people are getting what's happening over that power plant this is one problem we're going to have to stop before it's too late

To myself the whole time.. Hope I get out of this situation and you get home to my family my husband and my kids and my life and there's no way I'm going to let them down there right now I have to do what I have to do at my job it's not easy being a firefighter but you gotta put your life on the line every day but you do what you have to do I just pray and hope that we can save as many lives today as we want to I really hate it when we don't get a lot of people out just then I saw a little girl and her parents in the car the girls look like she was okay but the parents look like they were killed I had to get the girl the fire spread it

Liam hey sweetie I need you to move back away from the car door so I can get you out okay does your head hurt or anything like that

Little girl my head hurts and everything I can barely move and I know my parents have not made it just hurry up and get me out of here please mr. Fireman

Liam okay hurry up I'm going to do what I gotta do and I moved okay I'm going to get the job so I can drop this car off

Little girl okay

As soon as I got the door up I ain't that little girl and I asked her what her name was she said her name is Megan and that she's only 6 years old an appearance with all that she had I knew I had to do something for her since I sometimes foster kids I told the social worker and that I would Foster her until they can find a home for her and if my husband was willing to adopt her and let them know and they said you always seem to only help kids in a situation like this as a foster parent when you know that we're stuck and we will have it when you do that they told me so I told her she was going to go home with me and I was going to Foster her for a little while to figure out what to do rather than her ending up in the system and not knowing where she was going to be she thanked me for that because it's a sin when these little kids have to go to a home and not know if they are going to be picked on by the older ones or not I've seen that before but the kids that I adopted I was not about to let this little girl had to suffer through that just because she lost her parents in a car crash

So I phone it Louis told him that I was bringing home a little girl that lost her for a while and he understood what was going on and everything he said it was the same so that's what I did anything Zayn and Leroy said they would help out which was good because I have to make sure this kid is safe and sound

Liam later on I took her and head on home I just pray and hope she will get along with the rest of the kids and we can figure out what to do as far as the same that you lost everything just then the only thing that survived in the car alongside her with a teddy bear that her father gave her

When I got home the first thing I did was carry her inside and she was beat I noticed Leroy's younger sisters took her upstairs with them and put it in one of the beds in the room they were and they said she look like she could use a good night's sleep I think the girls are doing that for some reason I got a feeling this girl's been through enough

Louis that little girl looks like she's been through a lot and that car crash she looks like she doesn't know what to do or which way to turn and you know I don't mind fostering kids anytime because this only helps till we figure out what to do and there's not a lot of homes around here most of the homes have older kids little girls like that and little boys shouldn't be in with the older ones because they can't believe that's what we always say when there's a little kid we would have ostrich and we work that out with the social workers and they understood because they're right you don't want to put them in with the older ones and not know where they're going to end up

Liam this is why I love you so much baby cuz you're willing to do anything for anybody God I got so lucky when I married you

Louis right back at you my sexy firefighter husband

Zayn I don't need a picture of my parents all over each other right now thank you very much anyway I'm going to go to the store and get some things you guys need I can tell that you're beat and everything so yeah I noticed we were low on groceries so I'll go pick it up and everything for you to be back in an hour

Liam one thing I got to say her kids are the best and I'll do anything to help and I'll never trade my family for the world

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