my firefighter husband chapter 35

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Zayn POV

Well it's been awhile since we all got back home to know why everybody's back to work and stuff like that school's almost over graduations on a couple more weeks away the next thing you know the time for me to Leroy to  on her own raising his siblings and everything and going to college with the help of my parents I know we can do this

Liam hey how's everything going son I just got home from work me and my brush I tell you one thing we got to the bottom of everything that's going on which is good it was being activity and everything and that's why all those nurses weren't showing up be there to school to the work where your dad works believe or not they were part of it

Louis yeah just some people trying to sabotage everything around here not wanting people that have helped didn't give a s*** TennCare least we know now that everything is taken care of her all back to the right ways so you looking forward to graduation next week

Zayn yeah I'm going to be kind of weird when I move out into my own flat with my boyfriend and everything and taking care of his siblings and going to college and stuff but it's a good thing it's only going to be down the road and I know that my little siblings I don't know where that I was going to move out but they were OK when I told him it was just down the street that made them feel a lot better

Megan of course I mean it feel a lot better but we want our big brother in here but we need him especially me since I just came your sister last year

Zayn and you're always going to be my sweet adorable baby sister if anybody tries to screw with you still got me to kick their butts and everything like I did last year when those teenagers try to do something to scare the s*** out of them then denied

Megan I love having three big brothers even though one is 19 1 is 12 one is 8 yeah I love it out they all look after me I'm now 7 though but there's there's still sweethearts and I think of Leroy is another big brother so I'm going to miss him too when he moves out with his sisters because they're like big sister is everything to me but it's good to know that you're only going to be down the road

Leroy you were only going to be down the road we already got her flat and everything were moving in next week we graduate next week we prepare to start college after the summer we have part-time jobs waiting for us for the summer everything is just being prepared because we got to start anew and I've got to stand and take care of my siblings and everything like that because somebody got to be there for them and I vowed I would never let them go into foster care because you guys help me out and everything which I appreciate

Liam just remember you may not be her adopted son or by blood or anything but we still deserve to be family and besides didn't you pop the question to her son a couple nights ago because you had our permission and everything so how did it go

Zayn I said yes what else

Louis my baby is growing up way too quickly on me

Zayn dad I'm always going to be your baby no matter what but you gotta let me grow up at some point LOL

Louis yeah I do anyway it's great to have everything back on track and that around here great to have her life the way it's supposed to be great to know we have excellent kids and everything great to know that no matter what I'll always have my firefighter Husband by my side and I'll always have you kids by my side as well

Zayn definitely count on that because we will always be one great big family no matter what

This is the end of this story the stage and you never know what might happen in the next that's right the next one will be more about me and Leroy and our lives find out what type of jobs will have find out if I'll have the love that our father is my father's have find out because it all started with the fact of us being the kids to firefighter and a nurse this was the book by firefighters husband but stay tuned you never know what Pam  have in their face next

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