my firefighter husband chapter 14

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Warning gay sex

Liam pov

Pick my baby up and carried him to the bedroom where I slowly took his clothes of him because I wanted to make my baby feel really ready for to make love because I believe he deserves it after everything he went through today and I'm so proud of him for getting his promotion I started to kiss those lips down to his neck down to his chest all the way down to till I reach his manhood

Louis Oh baby I know you take my cock into your mouth is so good keep it up and you're my cock feels good

Liam sunk on Louis manhood till Louis is a moaning mess under me because I love my baby so much soon I have him cumming in my mouth I love it when my baby is doing that

Louis baby that feels good just hurry top and f*** me already because I need to feel every bit of you inside me right now cuz baby i love you so much

Liam what my baby wants my baby gets

Louis God I am waiting on on a big hard cock of yours just give it to me

I push into my baby and I can tell that he was loving the feeling of me being inside of him and stuff he was moaning my name and everything else god he needs to keep it down or the kids will wake up so we did I love my baby so much I picked up my my speed until we are both going over into each other I can believe felt so good to comes on my baby

Louis baby that was great

Liam you well never know what it life not have me because I love you so damn much you are my everything baby and I love you for who you are

Louis good because I love you too I hope the kids did not here us making love

Meanwhile in zayn room

Zayn pov

I could tell that my papa and dad where doing because my dad can be loud when he wants and that is you have to keep me awake I had to make sure that my little brothers were still asleep because I don't think they want to wake up to the sounds of their fathers having sex

Zayn Leroy baby other right back I'm going to go make sure my brothers are still sleep cuz I don't think they would like to hear my fathers having sex

Leroy I think that's a very good idea baby cuz I don't think Harry is little ears can handle it and I definitely don't think now wants to know about that I mean he may be 11 years old he's at the age where he's like I don't want to think about that but then again he's also at the age where is running about it some pieces of that in school so it can be an awkward age for him

Zayn you said it I'm going to go check on them

watching the Harry's room so that he was still sitting up in bed watching TV I asked him how come he was awake he said he couldn't sleep because a lot of noise and papa and daddy's room and he said don't try to cover it up because I can tell by the weird sounds that daddys making and the only reason why I know this because a friend of mine and school accidentally walked in on his mom and dad and those were the sounds of his mother was making but I'm not one of those kids kids who will talk about their parents love life is just kind of embarrassing you know when you can hear them in the middle of the night I hope they stop soon so I can get some sleep I know I have two weeks off of school because of the fire but I would really like to get a good night sleep how's Leroy holding up a badass mum and mum holding up

Zayn he doing much better but it sounds like dad and papa have stop so get some sleep

Harry alright love you zee

Zayn love you to little buddy

Harry night

Zayn night I left to go and check on Niall

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