My firefighter husband chapter 21

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Liam pov

I was home watching so TV by myself it was a quiet day in the silence has been getting to yeah I'm so used to being at work that is nice to have a good for break though just the same for everything but it's just a little too quiet for me right now maybe I should take a nap but I don't want to the clock realize i you need to take a nap or anything because the kids will be home from school in a minute and I was going to order some food because I can't cook for s*** that much sometimes hello I'm too tired anyway do that right now so I'm just going to ordering some pizza for supper I mean years ago Luis could not cook at all but since he came nurse a father has learned how to cook which is good and I I'm so happy for that. Because he the best thing that is in my life and I'm happy because of this

Just then the kids came home and I saw that Zayn had pick up the younger ones on his way home for school so I asked them all how did it go because it was now the first week that Leroy and his sisters have been back to school since the whole thing to happen to their family

Liam how did everything go today at school

Ashley it went ok hard to understand sometimes though and I'm glad that I'm in their school because it's good to be in school the people that understand that you are gay and stuff like that so don't make fun of you for things like that or the fact of you have family members that are gay or anything like that I even gave it to understand and accept you in that school which is nice I think

Liam the reason why we put you in there because your brother is gay you living in the family pretty much that's gay because well me and Luis are gay and your parents originally were gay so you understand what it's like to come from that type of situation in this place you're not made fun of and you're old enough to be there just you're not or not to be there yet Amy so you're probably be in there school soon so how was your first day at niall and Harry school

Amy is ok and I'm in all of Niall's classes so that helps even though he's a little bit younger than me but he seems to be pretty smart as they age

Louis pov

i had to work late so i called home and told Liam that i need to stay longer and i can't get home in time to make dinner and he said that was OK he just call for pizza if need be and i was happy that he said that he can cook but there days that he a bit off because he don't know what he should be doing but if he makes something like fires and hot dogs he OK as .but don't let him make something Like pasta because he will burn and the funny thing is he is a fireman .any way i need to work late because some of the other who need to be on duty tonight did not show up at all which is not a good and i need to fine out why this a been going on a lot lately and that not a good thing so i call the Dr that was over me and told him that this as happen again and it was not right lets just hope we can fine out why all of this as been going on lately and it getting to look bad for the ones that have not been showing up people taking class have been doing more and saying something and it a good thing because there just a hole lot of stuff going on

meanwhile back with Liam and the family

Liam Pov

i told the kids to get clean up for supper and stuff because it was getting late and then Louis called me a second time because he was going to be later then he said first time he can't level till there are more works to
come on that not far to him and the others i hope they fine out what is going on and stuff

Liam Louis is going to have to work a lot later tonight because they're short handed but the hospital tonight seems like a lot of the nurse are not showing up in the nursing students are stepping up and do more work but thats good that they are but they still have to have actual nurses I looked them which is good if they didn't have the nursing students help them out I don't think they would so now Louis as head nurse of Pediatrics has to find out what's going on and why they're not showing up

Zayn I really don't know what's going on but I did hear something around school about some nurses dishing ditching work to go to a bar and stuff now don't quote me on that but some of the kids and sneak into the bars of this evening there I don't know if they're from Pediatrics or anything but some of the girls have been getting pretty wasted from what I heard some only going by hearsay

Liam you might want to tell your father that much what you heard cuz that could help him figure out what's going on anyway I think you boys should go and clean up the dishes and everything the older ones and all you he older ones get on your homework okay

Amy ok we will do are homework right away and stuff

Liam good and then you all can watch TV till it time for bed and stuff

Zayn and Leroy can we go out till til curfew movies I can't I'm like go to a movie or something

Liam you sure can never have enough of her feel like you said that's if you don't have any school work to do this will make you not get it done

Zayn we are the homework because it all done after school because we did it when are sitting on the benches general practices

Leroy gave me something to do when I wasn't my turn to Russell's from be at practice and I gave him something to do when he was a note on the basketball court today at the school practice today so yeah we got all of her work done plus what we had this morning we did at lunch time in the cafeteria we just want to keep ahead of it

Liam since it's your school work another you can go to the movies but they're right back in time for a few

Amy how can you let them go out after a certain hour but you won't let us younger ones

Ashley he wants them go up because the older than my little sister there on the 18th so they have the right to go out and do what they're doing I'm almost 16 so I think pretty soon my curfew is going to be extended it to

Liam you're right about that one where you're almost 16 your curfew will be extended a little bit but you still won't get to be out as late as they do they have to be home by 10 on school nights 12 on the weekends where you're 16 you're going to have to be home by nine on school nights 11 on the weekend just an hour and the difference but still

Ashley wants feel better than when I got now

Amy hay im 13 do I get to go out or anything

Liam yes but not as late as they get you get out till 8 on school days and 9 on weekends and that the same for Niall because he almost 12 but Harry needs to be home early because he only 7 going on 8

Amy so now I get it as we get older we get a little bit more freedom

Liam yep those are responsible to that way that way you get to have your phone still but it's appropriate for your age and everyone is getting a fair treatment that's the way it was when zayn was little he had your curfews before you had this one in your son

Zayn yes I had exact are you guys and talk at this age as you get older curfew goes up anyway we're going

Liam with that the boys went to the movies and the rest of the kids did there homework and hung outside till there curfews it was nice having a bay at home with the kids and I'm at the firehouse or something like that but it Nice to have so family time

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