my firefighter husband chapter 23

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Zayn pov

I woke up the next morning and looked at Leroy I could tell that he was still sleeping my baby is always so tired lately because he's so worried about his sisters I do what I can to be there for human them the best I can and my fathers are helping at the best I can as well which am thankful for that this juice is so where you from when your boyfriend is going through a hard time how do you help the one you love sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough for enough for him

Zayn what time do the kitchen where you see if Liam and Louis

Louis morning son how you feeling this morning

Zayn just kind of worried about Leroy and sisters you know trying to figure out how it can I do you know to be there for him and stuff sometime someone I have 1 I'm doing is enough enough my love is enough for him

Liam trust me son everything that you're doing for Leroy is the best you could be doing right now you need you more than ever yours boyfriend he loves you and you love him we know that just be strong for him and I could tell hurts for you to see him like that and I heard from him to know that makes you smart but you just gotta be strong for each other

Zayn thanks I can always count on you guys to give me advice when I needed and everything is just sometimes I wonder how he's can be so strong he's won the bravest people I know he's doing everything he can right now to be there for his sisters but I'm worried you know because I don't want anything happen to anyone of them I mean he was cut himself of a couple weeks ago thank God you guys were there to stop it

Louis mo he wasn't thinking clearly at the time dear he was just thinking of a sister she was so upset that he had a bit of a breakdown but we stop in before you did he never ever cut himself before and this was just an almost doing it so it's good because if he did to become an addiction it was so the first sign of anything we talked to him and then he told us what I was feeling and then we so when you talk to somebody so you don't get into this depression so you going to be in that way and he agreed so we caught it in time

Leroy comes in goes over the Zayn after hearing everything kisses him

Zayn smile morning baby

Leroy you don't have to worry or feel like you're never good enough for me you know that I heard every word you were saying to your parents ok just trust me you are perfect in every way to me I would have been with you this one if I didn't love you so stop worrying so much is just right now I got a lot on my mind because I'm worried about my sisters and everything was just about to take can you know when your mother's both passed away and then your brother passes away and all you have left is your sisters said you guys cause that is but you know what I'm talking about I'm just trying to pull through

Liam you need to keep that positive attitude and everything you will pulse or you just don't try to scare anybody but cutting yourself again or anything like that okay good

Leroy that was just me having a mental breakdown everybody has something that happens I mean you know I was so strong I didn't know what to do but then I realized I can't be strong for ever even I am going to crack and that's what happened that time that you guys talk to me which was good and then I'm seeing that kids are you set me up at helps yeah I should be ok

Louis which is a really good thing as you do know that we worry about you not me you're like a son to us cuz you probably grow up here in this house was your mothers and your sisters coming over all the time if we all went to school together your mother is in the two of us so we were friends for years so was always the four of us so I understand where you're coming from and things like that but trust me we're here when you need a kids

Zayn we know that we can always count on you guys

Liam go to answers phone comes back
Hey guys I know I'm supposed to have a month of what you do but I'm called in today for a really big emergency fire there is so many things going on right now what it is it was a big car crash outside town and there's a fire there because of its so they need as many of us on here and then to get people out of Rex and stuff I could be gone for a few hours I'll be home later tonight so let's just get this situation under control but I am off but they need all hands on deck right now as many as they can even ones that off we get to go home but I was supposed to be off for a while right after this but this is a big time emergency so see those all later love you all

Louis alright when you're out there fighting those fires and getting people out of those curves and me an enormous favor and be careful and come home to me safe I love you

Liam I was going to say I love you to know you rest and take it easy you got a few days off after having a 14 hour shift at the hospital as a nurse I'll see you soon as I get home love you all

Leroy yeah you better be careful because I already lost one family don't have those anymore

Liam that freaking snow it ok take it easy talk to you later love you

Zayn love you too. Be careful out there

Things were short one thing's for sure I actually understand now that my own deathly enough for my boyfriend and things but I am worried about how things go I need me I'm trying my best to help with my father's that because their jobs are very demanding and everything I'm also trying to be there for my boyfriend to be much baby kind of texting but I'm going to do whatever against hey when not step up and help them out around here that's what I should do as the old us right anyway I'm just thankful that my boyfriend to trust me and tell me that you love me enough to let me everything in I'm just worried about him but then again you would too if your boyfriend have lost everything

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