my firefighter husband chapter 34

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Liam's POV

So far we've been here a week already in Hawaii the kids have been loving it and I know that they're doing everything we did no today's the day that I'm going to spend it with just my husband we're going to have a great week just so I have a bunch of activities all set up for the kids the older ones is going to keep an eye on the younger ones which is great because I really need some time with just me and the love of my life and I know that the two orders are 18 and 19 so they're big enough to look after them which I really appreciate all the help they do for us

Liam hey baby you ready because I got it all set up the zayn and Leroy is going to take care of the younger ones

Louis I'm ready so why did you want me to get all dressed up in a nice suit and everything

Liam well you almost forgot that this is our anniversary remember and you do know that I do something special every year for it right so I meet you early and it while we were here in Hawaii about this year if we're going to renew our vowels like we did last year why not do it while we're here in Hawaii I've already got everything set up specially for it plus a special night just you and me in a room

Louis I was totally wrapped up in everything that I almost forgot about our anniversary and you still remembered it after everything that was going on. I love you thank you for the other you're always so special and everything when you come there and doing romantic stuff for me no one around the female in the relationship LOL

Liam yes anyway like I said the older kids are going to keep an eye on the younger ones tonight and we're just going to have special time just you and me and more or less special spa days and everything Yep this is not just an ordinary trip but also a trip for anniversary is well and the oldest rating on it all the kids are in on it they knew what I had planned

Louis well I can't get over the fact that you guys actually planned all this out and I must have been so wrapped up in the fact of everything that's been going on at work and the fact that you almost got killed in a fire and everything that I wasn't really paying him to everything you know what I mean

Liam well I thought it would be really good idea to take advantage of all that destruction and everything and put it to good use to play on this special anniversary and everything for you come on let's go and have a romantic dinner and then we are going to renew our vows like I promised you every year

Louis I love you so much

Liam I love you too baby and I. Am going to show you just how much later on tonight

Louis well I think we better go if we're going to be having dinner and then going to your house and everything like you had planned I'm looking forward to our special you have the night planned as well

What beautiful husband and out to dinner we had a long nice romantic meal and I took him to meet up with the priests they had asked her even if I have I was with and that's what we did and then after that I took him back to the hotel

Louis baby what are you doing

Liam hey we just renewed our vows and everything so I'm carrying you over the threshold just like I did last year when we renewed our vows and when we first got married everytime this happens people tend to be left over this threshold mr. Louis Tomlinson Payne

Louis you know you can be such a dork sometimes but your my dork I love it when you do things like this so thank you

Liam well you're absolutely welcome and I'm definitely going to be doing this for you more often oh and by the way how is your eyes when you get in a while you to see how special I got the room done up

When I carry my baby inside the room I have rose petals and everything everywhere the same thing in the bathroom I had a tall candles and everything is setup right when it comes to my baby and our anniversary I'll go all-out never have I ever once not did a romantic gesture for him now that I almost have my life lost I'm definitely making sure I never give up doing bad stuff each precious moment with my husband and my children are everything to me

Louis well baby everything is so beautiful you have gone all out as usual say I am so lucky to be married to one of the most high sexiest f****** with firefighters in the world

Liam you do know when you talk like that is such a turn-on right and right now it's time for me to make my babies feel special even though you're already carrying my baby is now and we have 4 beautiful ones are ready but I definitely want to be able to make sure you just know how much you are my baby still I loved you ever since we were in high school something about you especially those dimples on your back at the bottom of your spine baby something so attractive about that and you do know that I love the little things about you like how you can't go to bed without a cup of tea or the fact that you hate the sound of your voice on tape or something like that you know and you don't like to think about how much you weigh but all those little Parts about you babe I don't care. I don't care of your small I don't care if you're fat I just love everything about you I love all the little things

Louis you do know that sometimes you can be so cheesy that you could probably come up with the song out of half the stuff you say but you know what I wouldn't have you any other way because if I didn't have you I'd be I don't know half a heart without you

Liam I think it's time I show you just how important you are to me tonight happy anniversary baby

Louis Happy anniversary baby

Warming gay smut

With that I picked him up and lay them on the bed and next thing I knew I was kissing all the way down to his manhood and after that I suck them dry God he was moaning my name and everything I love you my baby does that he deserves to know how much he is loved

Louis baby don't stop it feels so good baby don't stop it feels so good when you suck on my cock

Liam whatever my baby wants my baby gets I'm going to make you feel so special now that baby cuz it's our anniversary but just remember I make you feel special no matter what you are special to me

Louis I love you and just hurry up and get the f****** same and f*** my brains out will you because I am so horny I need you right now

Liam well what my baby wants my baby gets

Louis good cause I definitely need you inside me now

With that I gave my baby and gave it to him until he was ready to come I can tell you was loving every minute of it because he was calling out my name and he needs rest for the rest and everything the next thing I know we're both coming over the edge after that I was taking him to the bathroom to have a nice very romantic time the time we even had one and I could tell that my baby need it but it was not an alcoholic of course she's pregnant after that we went to bed and I could tell he was on top of the world and I loved it and so did he I fell asleep with my beautiful husband in my arms I knew we needed this trip to Hawaii it's just what we need

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