15| Tit-for-tat ✔️

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You never realize how boring your life is until someone asks what you do for fun.


I stealthily tiptoed into the kitchen while the Omegas were busy setting the table in the dining hall. Quickly, I grabbed the Oreos from the cupboard and took out the toothpaste tube out of my pocket.

Grinning evilly, I scraped the cream off a few Oreos and unscrewed the cap. I then replaced the cream with the toothpaste and kept them back where they originally were. Casting a cautious glance all around, I fled before the Omegas returned.

"Mischief managed!" I stated proudly once I got back to the twins room.

"Great...we'll better get down to breakfast and see the drama unfold." Max chuckled in glee.

I nodded in anticipation. For one I knew Ashton was a real Oreo fan. Like a greedy pig he was, he would at least take one.

We sauntered down for breakfast at a leisurely pace and took our seats. I eyed the untouched Oreos unhappily. Come on someone, at least grab a few!

Opposite to me, Elena smirked, evidently reading my mind.

Drat! I should have remembered her powers. There goes one of my would be victims.

I heaved a sigh of relief when Ashton reached out for an Oreo. But quickly changed it into a cough when he eyed me curiously.

Control, Kiara, control.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Bella reach out for one too. I gulped at the unavoidable twist; that certainly wasn't planned.

A pause. Then -

"What the bloody...!" Ashton spat it out, eyeing the Oreo with a horrified expression.

Oh boy, this is gold.

I burst out laughing at the priceless look on his face. Elena was chuckling at the antics of her children.

"Mom? Kiara you?" He sputtered, clearly not expecting something this evil from us. "What were you guys even thinking?!"

Meh. . . what can we say? We are the masters.

Next to me, Bella was still spitting out the toothpasty Oreo and gave me a death wishing glare. "You are so going down, Kiara Evergreen."

"Not just me," I said, giving the twins a meaningful look. "I'm not the only one responsible."

However, they pretended to be blind.

"Who else?" He growled as he looked around giving each one a frightening stare. His eyes rested for a moment on Max who was red in the face. With fright or amusement, I don't know. "Who else is behind such unthinkable evilness?"

Across the table, Max was shaking his head so frantically, that it was just a blur. Nick, beside him, had his hands joined, as if in silent prayer.

I felt a wave of sympathy for the two cowering twins. "Why don't you go rinse your mouth first?" I suggested, evading the question.

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