19| Quibble and Quarrel ✔️

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The greatest distance on earth is not North to South.
It's when I'm right in front of you and you don't know that I love you.


I watched her retreating figure in silence. What was going on in her mind? She didn't really think I liked Ashton in that way, did she?

Perhaps, I did like him; perhaps, not. It was all so confusing and I had no idea what to think.

He probably had a second mate destined for him out there and it would only be a matter of time before he found her.

As much as I liked Ashton and wished the best for him, the thought of him finding his mate left a queasy feeling in my stomach.

"You are being selfish, Ki," I chastised myself, "Just because Aden rejected you doesn't mean Ashton doesn't deserve his happiness."

* * *

Once I had finished a late (and lonely, I might add) breakfast, I decided to pay Ash a surprise visit. I had never been to his office before and was curious to know more about what he did.

I knocked at his door hoping for a 'Come in', but that never came. So, I ambled in without permission. After all it wasn't like he was secretly making out with some bimbo inside, was he? So what's the point in knocking anyway? Unless he was in a meeting...

He looked up from his files smiling at me, "I knew it would be you!!" he said.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise .

Dang! Was I really so obvious?

"I can smell you a mile away, Ki." He said answering my mental question.

I was reminded of the last time he said that, and gave him a knowing smirk.

He probably hadn't realize it right away and stared at me for a whole minute until it hit him.

Once again, he turned an adorable shade of beet red. "T-That was not what I meant..."

"Yeah, yeah. You keep saying that." I said rolling my eyes.

"Honestly.. I.." He stuttered on trying to explain.

Part of me was a tiny bit disappointed at his constant denial, but I brushed it off quickly.

"What else could you expect Ki? It's not like he's our mate!" Zara reminded me.

She was right. But that didn't stop the sadness from crawling in. It's pointless hoping I'll get lucky someday. "You need to be happy with what you have and not brood over your miserable love life." I told myself sadly.

"I know, Ash. I know you didn't mean it. It's not like we were anything, anyway." I forced out a laugh.

I didn't want to embarrass him anymore. He was my best friend and I didn't want to lose him for such a silly reason.

I thought he would look relieved and laugh along with me. Instead he looked down biting his lip.

"Ash?" I asked him after a moment of hesitation.

Why was he so unusually quiet? I told him I was just pulling his leg, didn't I? Why the hell was he looking at everything else in the room except at me?

"Ki? Can...can I ask you something?" He asked me breaking into my thoughts.

"Since when did you need my permission for anything?" I smiled hoping to lighten the mood. "Ask away, Alpha."

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