Author's thank you!!!!

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Hi everyone :)

Can I just start by screaming? Oh my flipping god.... I logged onto wattpad yesterday, 6.3k reads on this story.... Today? 8.8k.....


Is this an actual dream???

I literally can't thank you guys enough, you have no idea how mind blowingly amazing this is!!!!

I hope that my story has touched you.... And for those of you who asked, it is based on truth. I seriously mean it when I say things get better though, and if any of you amazing people are having a rough time and need to talk to someone, message me (and I'll work out how to use this cus I'm terrible with technology XD)

Anyways, thanks so much again!!!!! You guys are awesome <3

Oh and a huge thanks to @998flawsandcounting for making a new cover for my book.... That kind of thing never happens to me!!!! Hope you like it as much as I do :)

Many hugs and kisses <3

Catherine xxxxxxxx

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